Articles for category: Pets

Karla News

Canine Periodontal Disease

How sweet is your dog’s breath? What is commonly known as doggy breath seems synonymous with dog ownership. Yet doggy breath should be neither ignored nor taken for granted. Though some believe doggy breath to be normal, it is often the first indication that owners should sit up and take notice. Sometimes, horrific doggy breath ...

Karla News

How to Train an Older Dog

With animal shelters overwhelmed with not only puppies and young dogs, but also populated with older canines, many owners are adopting more mature dogs. Can you teach old dogs new tricks? Most often, you can, but you need to have patience and time. Exercise Outdoors First, have your new dog tire out by exercising him ...

Karla News

Best Toys for a Teddy Bear Hamster

Although hamsters are not complex creatures, they do need a high dosage of love and care from their owner. Teddy bear hamsters are known for their soft long fur, tender eyes, and gentleness among humans. In order for your hamster to grow and maintain it’s health, it will need to have the proper care. Hamsters ...

Karla News

Special Diet Needs for Dogs with Lymphoma

It is devastating when your dog is afflicted with lymphoma. No doubt you want to do what is best for your dog’s health, which includes the food that goes into its body. It is important to provide nutritional food, such as proteins and vegetables for your dog rather than grains, sugars and carbohydrates, which feed ...

Karla News

Animal and Pet Rescues in New Jersey

These organizations are private, tax exempt organizations. Any adoption fees or donations are tax deductible. If you need to get rid of a pet, do not just let it go. Bring it to a shelter or rescue group and let it find a new family. Many of them offer low cost spay/neuter programs. If you ...

Karla News

Guinea Pig Care and Grooming

Grooming your Guinea Pig is a task that should be preformed at least once a month. A clean and healthy Guinea Pig is a happy Guinea Pig. Since Guinea Pigs are unable to groom themselves, you as an owner, are responsible for grooming them. If not groomed, or properly groomed, your Guinea Pig can experience ...

Karla News

How to Feed Your Leopard Gecko

If you’re a new Leopard Gecko owner, congratulations! Leopard Geckos are one of the most docile, colorful and intriguing reptile pets. Feeding time for your gecko can be both amusing and an educational experience. To safely feed your leopard gecko, you will need to do more than just “fill a bowl” with dried pellet leopard ...

Karla News

Interesting Facts About Your Cat’s Eyes

“A cat’s eyes are windows enabling us to see into another world.” – Irish Legend Have you ever looked into your cat’s eyes and wondered what those beautiful eyes are seeing? Your cat’s eyes are a reflection of his many moods. If he is angry, he will narrow his pupils, and if he is excited ...

Karla News

The Nigerian Dwarf Goat as a Pet or Dairy Goat

Nigerian Dwarf Goat as a Pet Nigerian Dwarf Goats make great pets, and produce healthy, butter-fat and protein rich goat milk as an extra. Even if you do not want to raise a goat for milk, these little goats make great companions, and are a good animal for teaching children how to take care of ...

Karla News

The Gold Nugget Plecostomus: No Tropical Fish Tank Should Be Without One!

The Gold Nugget Plecostomus is a member of the Loricariidae family which groups the sucker mouth catfish, known as Plecostomus, or “pleco” for short. This particular species of suckermouth cat hails from the Rio Xingu and Rio Iriri rivers of Brazil, South America. The Gold Nugget pleco is a very popular species of suckermouth cats ...