Articles for category: Pets

Karla News

How to Claim Pet Care as a Tax Deduction

Parents, for the most part, can enjoy claiming care-related expenses as tax deductions. At the end of the year, I’m grateful to be able to deduct daycare expenses, my daughter’s health insurance, and medical bills all from my income, and I can also claim the child tax credit. For pet-parents, though, it can be challenging ...

Karla News

Dealing with Your Dog’s Itchy Skin

A number of things cause itchiness in dogs. Fleas are the most common reason. Additionally, your dog may itch because of dry skin or allergies, just like a person. Itching may start off with an allergic reaction to a plant or a bug bite, and this isn’t really a problem. The problem begins when the ...

Karla News

How to Care for a Pet Scorpion

As scorpions grow in popularity as pets, caring for a pet scorpion becomes increasingly important knowledge to have. While even the largest member of the scorpion family, the Emperor scorpion, only has a sting that is as strong as that of a bee, it is still not recommended that you handle your pet. Of course, ...

Karla News

Canine Catnip: How to Make an Anise Dog Toy

Although we humans use anise to flavour candy, tea, and absinthe, man’s best friend also finds the anise herb appealing. In fact, some dogs are attracted to anise in the same way that many cats are drawn to catnip – they enjoy pouncing, chasing, and romping with it until they tire out. If you’re looking ...

Karla News

A Guide to Feeding Corn Snakes

Many people, when shopping for pet snakes, consider the corn snake. These snakes, also known as red rat snakes, are constrictors like their relatives the boa and the python. Unlike their relatives, however, corn snakes typically reach a maximum length of six feet long and a maximum width of two fingers. For potential pet owners, ...

Karla News

Dog’s and Urinary Frequency

A urinary tract infection is usually to blame for dogs to have frequent urination. However, younger dogs and puppies are more susceptible to an infection because their immune system hasn’t been challenged yet. Females are also susceptible to UTI’s because their urethra is shorter and broader than that of a male, making it easy for ...

Karla News

Cat Hairballs – Natural Remedies that Work

Cat hairballs are balls of undigested fur that are not eliminated though natural processes. A cat with digestive problems caused by hairballs will cough them up, leaving a mess for the pet owner. A surprising number of natural remedies are available for cat hairballs. If your cat has hairballs one of these natural remedies might ...

Karla News

Great Places to Adopt a Pet in Indianapolis

Every year tens of thousands of animals are placed up for adoption in Indianapolis. These animals need loving, lasting homes. If you are looking to welcome a companion animal into your life here are some great places to find them. First, you can find fantastic pets available for adoption at one of the shelters in ...

Karla News

Gerbil Facts & Advice for Owners

Gerbils are somewhat like hamsters but they look somewhat difference in appearance. Gerbils have longer tails, are more slender and they are also longer. It’s essential to buy a cage which a gerbil cannot escape from. If there is a door on the cage I would recommend using a twist tie to keep the door ...

Karla News

All About the Breed: Brazilian Terrier

Also known as the Fox Paulistinha and the Terrier Brasileiro, the Brazilian Terrier is an intelligent and playful breed. But how do you know whether you are ready to purchase a pet and if this breed is right for you? This information is absolutely necessary in making the decision to purchase a pet. History The ...