Articles for category: Pets

Karla News

Omeprazole Use in Horses

Horses lead stressful lives, especially horses competing in competitions such as three-day eventing, dressage or barrel racing. When horses become stressed, they produce more hydrochloric acid in their stomachs. Over time, this acid can eat away at the stomach’s natural lining and can cause a gastric ulcer. Omeprazole, a human protein pump inhibitor used to ...

Karla News

What is Horner’s Syndrome in Dogs?

Sadie, a five-year-old Golden Retriever, clearly wasn’t her normal self. Her adoptive human mom, Leah, wished the dog could tell her if she hurt or what was making her so restless. The next time she approached Sadie, she noticed that the dog’s right eye appeared to be drooping. A visit to the veterinarian the same ...

Karla News

Wallabies as Pets

The wallaby is fast becoming a popular and affectionate pet. A member of the macropods, the wallaby has the appearance of a miniature kangaroo. Highly intelligent, they have the ability to co-exist as a loving house pet if raised from a baby. Fully grown they weigh approximately 40 pound and stand around 3 feet tall. ...

Karla News

Alternatives to Declawing Your Cat

You love your cat, but you love your furniture too. What’s a pet owner to do when their beloved feline is tearing holes in the sleek leather couch? The answer used to be quite simple: declaw. I’ve been a cat lover my whole life. This love affair began at such a young age I don’t ...

Karla News

Pet Adoption Shelters in Cincinnati, Ohio

Pet adoption can make a world of difference to our friendly little animals. There are pets all around the world that have been rescued and now need a place to be loved and cared for. Adoption in Cincinnati is a great way for you to help out the pets who are in need and have ...

Karla News

Understanding Territorial and Aggressive Behaviors in Cats

According to the ASPCA, approximately 75 million cats are owned in the US and many households have multiple cats. But many problems in multi-cat households arise from territorial conflicts which manifest through marking behaviors, like peeing and spraying, and aggression. The first step in dealing with these problematic behaviors is to understand what purpose territorial ...

Karla News

How to Diaper Your Cat

We have a wonderful cat named Cheeto. Cheeto is an orange cat with no tail. He has a delightful disposition and is a very satisfactory companion in every way but one. His poor appendage was broken in three places, so it was dead weight and had to be amputated. His nerves are damaged, and he ...

Karla News

Declawing Your Cat

When I was a little kid, I vaguely remember a kitten we had. After my mother caught it climbing her sheer curtains leaving them full of pulls, kitty became an outdoor cat. Declawing housecats is an option that many vets offer to pet owners who want to avoid their curtains and furniture being ripped to ...

Karla News

Paw Problems of the Family Dog

Paw problems may occur in any dog, regardless of its habitat. The following article outlines some of the problems that you may have with your dog with accompanying symptoms and treatment options Greyhounds should have daily proper preventative car if they are used in the race industry because they are infamous for having paw problems ...