Articles for category: HEALTH & WELLNESS

Simple 3-Day-A-Week Workout Schedule

When it comes to fitness, most health experts believe that a well-rounded schedule should include strength training, cardio and flexibility workouts. But when our lives are already packed with work, family and social obligations, how are we to find the time for fitness, too? Fortunately, you don’t have to spend hours in the gym to ...

How to Treat Bleeding Hemorrhoids

It is not possible to discuss how to treat bleeding hemorrhoids without discussing the causes and symptoms of this rather inconvenient condition. Hemorrhoids can be described as the inflammation of veins in and around the rectum. This condition is relatively common but it not really a serious condition on its own. The problem is that ...

Facial Tics and Twitches

Tics are muscle movements that occur repeatedly in brief, sudden uncontrollable spasms. They often involve muscles of the face and eyes. The tic is the same each time it occurs, and stress worsen tics. During periods of intense mental concentration, tics occur less often. While stress is a contributing factor to most tics and twitches, ...

Dealing with Sleep Apnea: Reduce Snoring

For those of who have Sleep Apnea, getting a good’s night rest is often more work than not. Here are some idea’s that may help. Sleep Apnea is a serious condition and if you have it, you should be under the care of a competent physician. There are some things, however that you can do ...

A Corticosteroid Injection: What it is and What to Expect

A corticosteroid injection is sometimes recommended when pain is caused by inflammation in the joints such as bursitis, tendonitis, and arthritis. A corticosteroid injection can also help reduce inflammation and pain when a rotator cuff is affected. Physical therapy and corticosteroid injections have been helping my husband’s torn rotator cuff, and the following information provides ...

Natural Remedies to Help Fight PMS

Ugh!! Is one word to describe PMS. As if it’s not bad enough to have a menstrual flow every month, you have to have the emotional and physical symptoms that go with it, which includes headaches, irritation, backaches, bloating, anxiety, mood swings, depression, weight gain, sugar cravings, acne, breast tenderness, and the list seemingly goes ...

Acid Reflux in Children: Know the Symptoms

At first I thought it was the flu. My seven year old son, began throwing up in the middle of the night. He complained of stomach pain and vomited several times within a few hours. However, he didn’t run a fever and he was fine by the time he had to go to school. I ...

STDs that Show Few Symptoms

If you’ve ever had sex, then you are at risk of having contracted an STD. In fact, it’s a safe bet that you could actually have an STD and not even know it. While STDs often do show noticeable symptoms in both men and women, just as often STDs can show no symptoms at all. ...

How to Avoid Insomnia Without Medication

Lying in the bed at 3 o clock in the morning listening to the quietest sounds while trying to figure out a way to go back to sleep. It can be challenging to fall asleep when your mind wonders about endless things in the middle of the night. Sleep is important so your body can ...

Symptoms and Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is rare in the general population. The major reason for this is that vitamin D is created by the body in the presence of sunlight. The recommended amount of Vitamin D needed is only about 5 mcg/day, which the body can create in less than one hour per week in sunlight. The ...