Articles for category: HEALTH & WELLNESS

Lesser Known Pregnancy Symptoms

When a woman becomes pregnant one of the first steps is to research all the symptoms that one may experience. There a vast amount of resources both online and offline available that describes the most common symptoms of pregnancy. More difficult to find are the more obscure symptoms that woman experience. This article will help ...

How to Combat Boredom

For some people, there is nothing worse than being bored. In an increasingly hectic world with varying lifestyles, boredom is indeed still present in most people’s lives and can account for some negative behaviors, like unnecessary spending, binge eating or hours in front of the television, to name a few. But boredom doesn’t have to ...

The GenoType Diet Review

The premise of The GenoType Diet is that we can change the effect that our genetic make-up has on our health and weight. Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo divides people into six body types according to their genetic make-up. The GenoType Diet plans are then formulated based on a person’s genotype. Deciding which of three Genotype ...

Methadone Clinics – What to Expect

Having an opiate addiction is awful. It’s expensive, secretive and vicious. It takes over your life. Countless hours are spent looking for pills, trying to find new sources to get pills from, figuring out ways to pay for the pills and coming up with lies to cover your addiction. There sometimes seems to be no ...

Men: How to Shave Your Face Without the Irritation

I have learned that most men don’t like to shave. At least, the men I know would rather forego this male ritual. I’ve heard men complain of getting razor burn, (the red, sore bumps), after a shave, and I’ve actually seen men walk around with bits of spittle and toilet paper dotting their faces. Men ...

Identifying the Cause of Lower Left Abdominal Pain

A common reason for misdiagnosis of diseases and disorders is the lack of specifics when a patient describes his or her condition to a doctor. A set of symptoms frequently has more than one possible cause, which means that patients must strive to describe their symptoms as thoroughly as possible for correct diagnoses. If you’re ...

Does Depression Influence Fertility?

One of your biggest enemies if you are trying to conceive is depression. Studies show that keeping a positive outlook on life boosts your fertility and helps you get pregnant. Here’s why: How does depression affect fertility? Research shows that depression affects the hypothalamus that helps regulate our hormones. This triggers a negative response in ...

My Miracle Drug – Microgestin Birth Control

Seems pretty obvious, but many women would be in agony, not to mention, be pregnant if birth control were not an option. I, personally, have very painful periods each month. They are so painful that without birth control, I am confined to my home and tortured with horrific cramps. I’m not exaggerating in the least ...

What Are “Electric” Foods?

Anyone who has ever heard of Dr. Sebi is interested in having a list of “Electric” foods to guide the balance in their lives. Such a list has rarely been found, until now! The following information is an explanation of “Electric” foods and how you can incorporate them into your daily life. Dr. Sebi studied ...

Can Stress Cause Teen Obesity?

New studies show that stress can lead to teen obesity. Stress can cause a variety of health issues including high blood pressure, insomnia and according to new research, even depression. Can stress really cause teen obesity? Study Regarding Stress and Teen Obesity. In a study by Penn State University as discussed on PsychCentral, it was ...