Articles for category: Crafts & Hobbies

Karla News

10 Free Baby Hat Crochet Patterns!

Making gifts for new babies is one of the most rewarding things I have ever had the pleasure of doing. Hats are a great way to keep the babies heat from leaving their bodies, and keeps their temperature under control. You can make these as gifts for friends, family, co-workers or even for your own ...

Karla News

Make Cash Selling Pine Cone Crafts

There are tons of ways to make cash, but I’m going to focus this particular article on making and selling pine cone crafts. The pine cones are easy to collect, the crafts are simple to make, and the monetary rewards are great. All you have to do is devote a little time and energy, and ...

Karla News

Uses for Empty Pringle’s Potato Chip Containers

While thinking of Pringle’s potato chips, the images that come to mind are uniformly shaped chips in unique tubular containers. It seems a shame to throw away perfectly good Pringle’s potato chip canisters, so don’t throw them away. Pringle’s potato chip containers have a number of fantastic uses. The following creative uses are great ways ...

Karla News

How to MakeHand-Made Embroidered Kitchen Towels

Making your own kitchen towels can be a fun, enjoyable craft project. Kitchen towels are also known as tea or flour sack towels. Back when there weren’t factory-made kitchen towels the women would make the dish towels out of flour sacks. The same women would hem the towels, use them hemmed or embroidery the towels. ...

Karla News

Shabby Chic Gift Basket

This Shabby Chic gift basket is the perfect basis for making some homemade gift baskets for any holiday. If you love giving gift baskets, then try painting an old basket in this Shabby chic look and filling it with white or vanilla candles, tea bags, and even some shabby chic tea cups. No one will ...

Karla News

Boy Scout Craft Ideas

As Boy Scout, there are lots activities that they do for recycling. They can get lots of things that can be recycled. As Boy Scout, you have to think of diverse ideas on how you can recycle all of these things. You can get lots of recycling ideas in the internet. Recycling these things can ...

Karla News

Copic Sketch Marker Review

If you enjoy any of a number of artistic endeavors, be them stamping, graphic design, or just drawing for fun, you’ve undoubtedly heard about Copic sketch markers. Copic markers are a part of the larger Copic brand, an art supply manufacturer located in Japan. For many years, these markers needed to be imported from overseas, ...

Karla News

Autumn Craft Ideas for Kids

Autumn is a wonderful time of year! The leaves are changing colors and the air is starting to get a little crisp and cooler. That means it’s not too hot to go outside . Here are some great craft ideas to get you in the mood for Autumn. Make a Scarecrow: This is a wonderful ...