Karla News

Can You Make Money Writing for Hubpages?

I’ll start this article by answering the question I asked in the title. Can you make money writing for Hubpages? The answer is, “Yes, you can.”

Hubpages.com is a site where you can write “Hubs” about any topic you like and earn revenue in the process. Let’s get right into how you can earn money from writing content on Hubpages, since that’s what everyone most likely wants to know–it’s what I would want to know.

Writers earn money from Adsense advertisements displayed around their work on Hubpages. They also earn money from affiliate sales of items from Amazon.com and eBay.com. Hubpages is a revenue sharing site, which means you split any revenue with the site. Writers like you and me get a heftier share at 60%, while Hubpages gets to keep 40%.

It breaks down by impressions, which is how many times your hubs show up in a browser. Six times out of ten, you get credit for the hub, which means that if someone clicks an add or buy a product through an eBay or Amazon ad, you get the income. Four times out of ten, Hubpages gets to keep any income generated from the hub.

Now that you see how you can make money with Hubpages, it will help you a lot to know what kind of Hubs do really well on the site. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

1) Design your hub around a product. You can really get into this and make the title something like, “Buy such and such product Online.” This tactic will work a lot better if no one has written about the same subject on the site before and if you understand how to do a little bit of keyword research.

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2) Which brings me to point number two. Learn a little bit of keyword research. Use the Google keyword tool to find more keyword information about the subject you are planning to write about. You will be able to write a better title and use stronger keyword phrases throughout your hub. This will help you make more money on Hubpages.

3) Write long posts. Longer posts tend to get more traffic, have more keyword combinations, and get higher Hubscores. These are things that will help you out in the long run.

4) Use eBay and Amazon.com affiliate boxes on your hubs. Open up as many revenue streams as possible so you can earn the most money. As you move forward, you will notice where certain hubs are making more revenue for you and you can adjust accordingly.

5) Get traffic to your Hubs. This is the real trick isn’t it? Build links, get people interested, use social media. Whatever you have to do to get traffic, it will only help you. You can’t make any money with Hubpages without any traffic.

One of the greatest advantages to writing on Hubpages is that you can edit your work any time you like. Move your affiliate boxes into different spots on your hubs and see where they are the most productive. You will also begin to learn how to write your hubs in a way that places your Adsense units in the best places.

Sign up for Hubpages.com and start writing and earning–but after you sign up, make sure to remember me here on AC. I will be writing more articles that will help you make more money with Hubpages, so stay tuned. Thanks for reading and leave any questions in the comments below.

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Also, read a long article about how to make money on Hubpages. It will help you get started.
