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Building a Natural Garden Fence

Climbing Plants, Flowering Vines, Natural Living

If you would like a private garden area one of the best options is a natural garden fence. They are economical, beautiful and practical. There are a wide variety of plants, trees and shrubs that can be used as natural garden fencing. Use your imagination to come up with natural bowers and gateways as well. Try out different combinations or use one technique to create a natural garden fence.

Vine Fencing
Vines can be trained to form a natural garden fence with very few materials. Using scrap wood as a base for climbing vines keeps costs low. Once the vine is established, the scrap wood becomes invisible. Plant grape vines for an edible natural living garden fence that lasts for years. Morning glory vines bring cheerful beauty to the garden as well.

Potted Plants
A row of potted marigolds makes a pretty border fence for any garden. Using shorter flowers allows more sunlight into the garden, while still creating a barrier for small animals. Marigolds are excellent rabbit repellent as well. Other plants like onion, garlic and hot peppers work as repellent too. Looking for a privacy border? Use taller flowers, shrubs or trees in the pots.

Trees and Shrubs
Using small prune-able trees for garden borders gives privacy from neighboring property. This natural garden fence can be used only on needed sides, leaving the garden view open from your yard. This allows natural sunlight into the garden, while still maintaining privacy. Hedges are excellent natural garden fences. Need something taller? Try sunflowers for a cheerful and useful accent.

Rock and Stone
Remember all those rocks and stones you dug up while preparing your garden? Why not put them to use as a natural garden fence? Large flat rocks can be stacked or used as stepping stone borders. Smaller stones create natural garden fence pathways. Stack rocks in random sculpted piles to frame your garden artistically.

See also  Eureka Lemon Tree

Water Features
Who says a natural garden fence has to go in a straight line? Use winding paths and waterways to frame off a beautiful flower garden. A wooden bridge can span a stream and provide access to different sections of the garden. Construct a narrow moat around the garden to discourage small animals from eating plants.

Bowers and Gates
Use bent trees to create a bower with natural flowering vines. Wind grape vines around an old door frame to form a more natural looking garden fence gate. Hanging vines create a dramatic opening for a tall natural fence. How about a pretty bower entry framed by a pair of flowering bushes? Loosely woven jute makes a great trellis type fence for climbing plants.

Combination Effects
Why stick to just one method of natural garden fencing? Use a combination of methods for stunning effects. Natural garden fences can be used to separate areas or surround the entire garden. Keep away from straight lines for a more eye pleasing display. Think of the garden as a blank canvas ready to be painted. Natural garden fence is a work of art. Paint your garden today.

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