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Bladder Infection – Cures, Prevention

Bladder Infections, Blueberry Juice, UTI

Urinary tract infections affect men and women, but women tend to suffer from bladder infections twice as often. This is partly because of their shorter urethra. There are ways to fend off a bladder infection before rushing to the doctor. (If you’ve had symptoms for more than three days, you should head to the doctors office!)

Drink More Water to Help Cure a UTI

One way to fight a urinary tract infection is to increase your fluid intake. Increasing the amount of water you drink will help flush out bacteria in the urinary tract. Your body has trouble emptying the bladder when you don’t drink enough fluids, giving bacteria ideal growing conditions.

You should be drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day, unless you have other health concerns that require you to drink less. That is eight 8 oz glasses throughout the day. I find it helpful to use a refillable water bottle to measure how much I drink. While drinking more water may not cure you of your bladder infection, it will ease your symptoms and allow your body to fight the infection naturally. Combine this with one of the other cures to fully fight your UTI.

Cranberry Juice Cure for a UTI

Cranberry juice has long been a natural way of easing and curing bladder infections. Make sure you don’t get a cranberry cocktail. Only 100% juice will do! More recent research has shown that blueberries have the same properties that cranberries do, but it can be much harder to find blueberry juice. I did find a delicious blueberry pomegranate blend at my local store. Juice blends are fine if made from 100% juice, you may just need to drink more to see results. Research suggests that compounds in the fruits prevent the bacteria from attaching to the bladder walls.

See also  Chronic Urinary Tract Infections - Treatments and Causes

If you can’t stand the taste of cranberries, you can pick up cranberry tablets at the local drug store. Follow the instructions on the box. Do not pick up the tablets that ease your symptoms, as they may only cover up the symptoms while your urinary tract infection gets worse.

Baking Soda Cure for a UTI

Baking soda and water has also been a long time cure for bladder infection. Drink a large glass of water. Then put a teaspoon of baking soda in a 4 ounce glass of water and drink that. Afterward, drink a cup of water every hour for several hours. Do not try the baking soda method after eating a large meal. In a few rare cases, stomach rupture has occurred.

Preventing a UTI

Prevention is the best cure for bladder infections. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids every day. If you are prone to bladder infections, try drinking a cup of cranberry juice each day. Always urinate before and after sex, as bacteria can be forced into the urethra during sexual activity.

Any UTI symptoms lasting beyond the first three days require a trip to the doctor. Other signs to look for are back pain, especially the side of the back, just under the ribs. This can indicate that the infection is spreading to the kidneys, and can be very serious. Blood in the urine can also indicate that the infection is spreading to the kidneys. If you have a high fever, especially with chills, head straight to the doctor.

If you are pregnant and think you have a bladder infection, don’t wait. Urinary tract infections can cause you to become dehydrated, sometimes causing early labor.