Articles for tag: Urinary Tract, Urinary Tract Infections, Urologist, UTI

Karla News

Chronic Urinary Tract Infections – Treatments and Causes

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is very common, especially for women. Lower urinary tract infections occur when bacteria enters the normally sterile urethra. For women, this condition is more common because their urethras are much shorter than a man’s, so the bacteria have a shorter distance to travel. Virtually all women will have at least ...

Karla News

How to Notice, Treat and Prevent a UTI in Your Pet

Just like people, dogs too can get urinary tract infections (UTI’s). While you are keenly aware of the pain you feel when urinating, which signals to you that you may have a urinary tract infection, you may not know that your dog has one. This article provides an overview of what urinary tract infections in ...

Can You Have a UTI Without Symptoms?

Most people know when they have a urinary tract infection, or UTI. They experience burning when they urinate and the need to go more frequently. Even though there’s a constant urge to void, very little comes out – and what does come out stings. Some people even notice blood in their urine and have abdominal ...

Bladder Infection – Cures, Prevention

Urinary tract infections affect men and women, but women tend to suffer from bladder infections twice as often. This is partly because of their shorter urethra. There are ways to fend off a bladder infection before rushing to the doctor. (If you’ve had symptoms for more than three days, you should head to the doctors ...