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Beyond Glamour Shots: A Case for Nude Photos

Most women would never dream of posing even half nude for a photographer. Some think that that the mere thought of it is somewhat smutty and can only liken it to the centerfolds in adult magazines. Others don’t think that it’s anything they could ever do simply because they’re not comfortable with revealing themselves to a camera that way. After all, if we’re not comfortable with our bodies clothed, what makes us think we’ll be okay being photographed with anything less?

However, if you can get past those inhibitions, letting yourself be photographed in your natural and much more vulnerable state can actually be empowering. Getting past the barrier of self consciousness to do it in the first place is a huge step to gaining confidence, and once you get going, there’s a good chance you’ll like the feeling of playing model for the camera. Nude photos aren’t just about standing naked in glaring fluorescent lights and revealing every little bodily imperfection you have. Things can be done with lighting and background as well as props that will give you a sense of security and add to the sensuality of your pictures. Plus, if you have any preconceived notions that you have to look like a centerfold to take nude or semi-nude photos, discard them at the door. There are no rules when it comes to your own photo shoot. Anyone, regardless of size or shape can have beautiful pictures taken of themselves once they’re in the frame of mind to do so.

One of the main reasons people take the step to have nude or semi-nude photos done is for their significant other. Others are simply curious about the experience. It’s no secret that these photos aren’t going to be passed around during family holidays. Having a specific purpose though makes setting up the shoot a little easier in general. If you plan on giving them to a lover, keep in mind that if you’ve been intimate before, they already know what you look like naked. Now you’re just giving them a keepsake. If you’re doing it for yourself, be happy with that and try to take pride in your body before even getting photographed. Once you see how sexy you actually look in your finished photos, it will give you a whole new appreciation of your body.

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Though I encourage anyone to try a semi-nude photo shoot at least once, there are a few tips I’d recommend to make the experience a safe and fairly comfortable experience.

Pick a photographer you trust: These days there seems to be a lot of people into photography, not just of the professional caliber but a lot of amateurs looking to broaden their portfolios. If you happen to know one of these photographers ask them about it. Ideally it should be someone you’re very comfortable with, but it definitely needs to be someone you trust. See how comfortable they would be with the idea and then talk about ideas for the shoot. If you don’t know anyone who makes picture-taking a hobby but still would like to have some risqué photos taken, do your homework before picking a photographer. Get one with good and verifiable credentials before setting up an appointment, and always use your instincts. If you feel at all uncomfortable with a certain photographer, look for someone else. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially in a situation where you’re bound to be a bit vulnerable.

Bring your own costuming: If you’re not comfortable with the idea of going completely naked, nice lingerie can lower your exposure factor and still come across as sexy. Satin, or even pretty cotton sheets can be nice to wrap around yourself. A lace coverlet is perfect for giving light glimpses of yourself to the camera, and a pretty skirt can give you an elegant look even if you go bare from the waist up. If you’re feeling really daring, bring along a schoolgirl outfit or some other kind of common ‘fantasy’ wear. A button down shirt left open can be alluring and tasteful. Some people are okay with going completely naked, but if you’re not one of them, don’t hesitate to make use of clothing…just do it in a sensual way.

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Experiment with lighting and color: Dim light can be the shy person’s best friend during a photo shoot, not only because it adds comfort level to the situation itself, but because it will give the photos a soft glow that will hide many imperfections. Ask the photographer to try different forms of lighting. Bright light doesn’t tend to be flattering, but certain levels may give you a different glow. If the place you’re having them taken will allow it, try candlelight. Also, ask the photographer if you can try some black and white or antique coloring shots for a different look to your photos.

Don’t be afraid to pose: Being nervous can make a semi-nude or nude photo shoot feel like torture, so much so that you might feel afraid to do anything more than sit there and look with fear at the camera lens. Relax and don’t be afraid to try new poses, even ones you think might be silly. You can be provocative, innocent, or even goofy. You can smile, pout, or make any different number of emotive faces. Sometimes the poses we think feel the silliest turn out to make the best pictures. Have fun with it. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll probably find that playing the model, even with little or no clothes on, will actually be easier than you thought.

Above all, let yourself enjoy your nude photo shoot. It’s not something you’re going to do everyday and you should feel liberated that you’re letting yourself do something a little risqué and slightly taboo. When the prints come back, you’ll probably enjoy seeing how gorgeous you really look, and if you’re doing them for someone else you’ll get the added boost of looking gorgeous for them in ways they might not get to see all the time. Take the plunge and let your inhibitions go. You’ll very likely come out of the experience feeling empowered on the inside and beautiful on the outside.