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Storage Baskets and Other Ways to End Bathroom Clutter

Clutter, Storage Tips, Wicker Baskets

Bathrooms can become disorganized very quickly, no matter how large or how small they are. Brushes, combs, hair barrettes, makeup, lotions, toothpaste, and other bathroom items create a lot of clutter, and this is often because the bathroom doesn’t offer enough storage space. When the cabinets and drawers are full, storage options are limited, but a few simple storage tips and tricks will help you get rid of the clutter in your bathroom.

Clear Clutter Solution

An over-the-door shoe holder is a fantastic solution for bathroom clutter, especially a holder with clear pockets. An organizer meant for shoes will hold an amazing amount of bathroom supplies including everything from hair products to reading material for those who have a bathroom that doubles as a library. A shoe organizer hooks under the bottom of the door as well as the top, and tools aren’t required. Give this idea a try if you want to add a great deal of storage for all types of bathroom items and grooming supplies.

Decorative Wicker Baskets

Small wicker baskets come in very handy for storing small items in the bathroom. When placed on the countertop or on the back of the toilet, decorative wicker baskets can hold everything from hairbrushes and combs to makeup and mouthwash. Bathroom items contained in a basket or two look much nicer than items scattered across a countertop filled with clutter.

Rotating Circular Shelving

Circular shelving is generally used in a kitchen to add storage for canned goods and other kitchen items, but circular shelving is also a great way to eliminate bathroom clutter. Visit your local home improvement store, and take a look at the many options. A rotating circular shelf will hold much more than a single cabinet. Headroom will no longer be wasted, and you’ll be able to find everything you need without digging through clutter.

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Hanging Baskets

Hanging metal baskets are commonly used in kitchens, but why limit their use to the kitchen? Get rid of the clutter in your bathroom by using a three or four-tiered hanging basket. A hanging basket is ideal for storing rolled towels and washcloths, and openly storing towels will free up space for other bathroom items that commonly cause clutter on countertops.

Wall Baskets

Shelves aren’t the only storage solutions for empty walls. Consider attaching attractive baskets without handles on an empty wall. Baskets in graduated sizes look fantastic, and they can hold everything from hair supplies to cologne. Visit your local craft supply store, discount store, or another store that offers a wide variety of decorative baskets. Lined baskets and baskets with painted designs are especially stylish in a bathroom.

Plant Stands and Basketry

If you don’t have a lot of extra counter space for baskets, if floor space is available, consider investing in a tiered metal plant stand. Instead of displaying plants, set attractive baskets on platforms meant for plants. Most metal plant stands are fully adjustable, and baskets can be wired in place, even if they’re too large for the holders.

Consider these ways to end clutter in the bathroom, and come up with the best solutions for your home. Cabinets and conventional shelves aren’t necessary for storage. With a little creativity and ingenuity, you can add a great deal of storage space to a bathroom and put an end to the clutter once and for all.