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Best-Tasting Keurig K-Cup Flavored Coffees

Flavored Coffee, Keurig, Vanilla

I am in love with my Keurig coffee machine. If you have one, then I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. If you don’t have one, what are you waiting for?! Keurig makes brewing coffee easier than ever with their brewing technology and K-Cups, individually-sealed cups of coffee that you pop in your machine to brew a single cup of delicious, fresh coffee.

If you’re like me and enjoy flavored coffee, but are curious as to which flavors you should try, then read on. I’ll review my favorite flavored K-Cups to give you a better idea of what to expect.

Green Mountain Coffee Wild Mountain Blueberry

I know what you’re thinking… blueberry and coffee? What an odd combination. I’m with you on that one. I usually shy away from blueberry anything (blueberry pie, blueberry muffins, etc). But this coffee is so delicious that I have to list it as one of my favorites. Right off the bat as the coffee is brewing, you get a delicious aroma of sweet, fresh blueberries. It’s not a fake, plastic-y scent either. It smells like you just stuck your head in a blueberry bush.

The coffee itself is a lighter roast, which I happen to like because it doesn’t overpower the blueberry taste. Also, if you have a sensitive stomach to darker roasts (like me), I didn’t get a tummy upset from this particular blend.

This coffee is very delicious and sweet. It didn’t really need a lot of sweetener; the blueberry flavor really came through with just a packet of Splenda. The coffee was smooth and didn’t leave a bitter aftertaste. All in all, this is a great blend. I’d recommend this for summer, over some ice with a splash of milk. You could even get a little more decadent and add some vanilla syrup to this as well for a blueberry-vanilla-flavored cup.

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Timothy’s Winter Carnival

When you think of winter carnivals, what do you think of? I usually think of spicy things, like apple cider, or the smell of pine trees, maybe even some cranberries. Timothy’s Winter Carnival is none of those things. Not to say that this coffee blend isn’t awesome, because it’s TOTALLY AWESOME. It beats the pants off of any vanilla flavored coffee I’ve ever had in my adult life.

But it’s more than just vanilla, it’s got a sort of custard-y flavor to it, with maybe a vanilla frosting undertone. There’s even some caramel notes in there as well. It’s like drinking a creme brulee... without all of the calories, of course. This is another lighter blend with no bitter aftertaste. I like this with a bit of milk and some sweetener, but it doesn’t really need to be sweetened. It’s just fantastic and totally worth a try, especially if you love vanilla flavors.

Green Mountain Coffee Island Coconut

Here’s another blend that seems like it would be too weird to drink. Trust me, this is AMAZING. This is only offered during the summer, but it is so worth purchasing because it’s delicious. I usually dislike coconut flavors but this particular blend tastes coconutty and chocolatey, even though there’s no chocolate in the flavor description. It doesn’t have a weird coconut “suntan lotion” smell or flavor. It’s really, truly delicious.

If you really want to be decadent, you could mix this with a hot chocolate K-Cup and make a coconut mocha! Or even get a bag of Coconut M&Ms; and eat them as a treat with this coffee. (I’ve done the latter and it put a smile on my face for the rest of the day).

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Green Mountain Coffee Caramel Vanilla Creme

Can you tell I like Green Mountain Coffee yet? They own Keurig so of course they’re going to have the best coffee blends! Caramel Vanilla Creme is no exception. This is a lot like Timothy’s Winter Carnival in that it has the vanilla and caramel blend that makes my mouth happy, but this is just a little buttery, too. It’s almost as if someone melted a homemade vanilla caramel and swirled it in with this coffee.

This is a lighter roast and the top selling flavored coffee on Keurig’s website, and with good reason. You should definitely try this if you love vanilla or caramel flavoring in your brew.

Half the fun of owning a Keurig is the ability to try a bunch of different coffees to see what you like best. Don’t be afraid to experiment with sweeteners or milk varieties to see what your favorite way to enhance your coffee is. Happy brewing!