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Best Fire Truck Birthday Invitations

Fire Trucks

Fire trucks bring excitement to children and adults alike. Fire trucks rush to save the day when needed and kids like to pretend that they are the rescuers inside. If you have a fire truck crazy child, why not throw him/her a fire truck themed party? If you are going that route, you’ll want to get fire truck invitations to bring the theme all together. There are several fire truck invitations on the market but most of them can be found online. This article will detail five of the best fire truck birthday invitations found on the internet.

Best Fire Truck Birthday Invitations #1: Fire Truck with Driver and Dog Hanging Out Window

Baby Cachet sells a fire truck invitation that looks like it’s racing to the fire with its driver and dog seen in the window. It is a long flat card invitation. Your party information is printed right onto the back part of the fire truck. You can buy these blank and print the information yourself to save costs or you can have Baby Cachet personalize the card for you. A set of ten blank cards and envelopes cost $13.51 and printed invites cost an additional ten dollars.

Best Fire Truck Birthday Invitations #2: Paper So Pretty Fire Truck Invitation

Fine Stationary.com has a fire truck invitation that is made by paper so pretty. The invitation is in the shape of a fire truck and the fire truck has a ladder and siren on the top. This is a flat card invitation which means that your information for your party is printed right on front of the card. You can personalize the font style and the color of the text. There is a minimum order of 10 cards and ten cards cost $54 dollars. Envelopes are included.

See also  Fire Truck Party Ideas

Best Fire Truck Birthday Invitations #3: Fire Truck and Hose

Fun and Sassy Designs sells a flat card invitation that has a fire truck at the bottom of card. The border of the card is a fun blue and red print and the inner border is the fire truck’s fire hose. A picture of a fire hat is in the left hand corner and fire hydrant is shown on the right hand corner across from it. There is a minimum order of 25 cards and they cost $37.50 for a set.

Best Fire Truck Birthday Invitations #4: Fire Truck Photo Invitation

Instead of having a regular fire truck invitation, make it more special by adding a picture of your child to the card. Everything Nice has an attractive flat card invitation that is in red, white and black tones. Your child’s picture goes on the right hand side and a picture of a child riding in a fire truck with a Dalmatian in the back is on the left hands side. The white part of the invitation has black polka dots. The details of your party are printed at the top and bottom of the card. You can order it in a small or medium size. The minimum order amount is 20 and card prices range from $1.50 to $1.85 each.

Best Fire Truck Birthday Invitations #5: Fire Truck and Fire Dog

Birthday in a Box sells an adorable invitation that features a fire truck on the right hand bottom and on the left hand side is a fire hydrant that has eyes and a smiley face. A Dalmatian sits in front of it. The card is in flat format and your information is printed in the middle. The outer border is blue and the inner is yellow. There is no minimum order and each card is .99 cents.