Karla News

Benefits of the Oil of Oregano

Oil of Oregano, Oregano, Stomach Ailments

For the past ten years or so my husband and I have gone without health insurance. We have had to treat ourselves naturally. We’ve discovered so many benefits to natural treatments. For example, there are little or no side effects to nature’s herbs like with pharmaceuticals. One natural element, however, stands out from the rest for us: Oil of Oregano.

It is one of the most widely used herbs, used in several Italian dishes such as spaghetti and lasagna and easily obtainable. You can even grow it right in your own garden. Don’t mistake Oil of Oregano with common oregano, however. Common Oregano is actually from the Marjoram plant, and the two are not the same thing. Most health food stores sell Oil of Oregano, but it is important that the oil you purchase is at least 70% pure. It is possible to buy 100% pure, and that is what I recommend. The oils that aren’t 100% pure are usually combined with olive oil, but you will want to check the labels before you purchase it. Some do add alcohol and you do not want those. My favorite brand is Now Foods in liquid form. You can also buy it in capsule form.

Oil of Oregano is known for/as

treating infections

treating minor stomach ailments (such as the flu)

strengthening the immune system

increasing joint flexibility

improving respiratory health

its antiparisitic qualities

being an excellent pain reliever

a yeast prohibiter

a fungal prohibiter

treating inflammation

treating acne

treating candida

treating sinus infections

treating diaper rash

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Those are just a few of the uses for Oil of Oregano. It is a potent herb, however, and should be diluted before use. If taking the liquid form internally, it is best to add two or three drops to water, milk or juice. If using topically, blend with olive oil, almond oil, or rice bran oil.

The only known side effect of Oil of Oregano is that it may prohibit the body’s ability to absorb iron. Because of this, most expectant or nursing mothers may not want to take the herb. Although this can be reversed with an iron supplement, it is best to speak with a professional about this if you have an iron deficiency or if you are expecting or nursing a baby.

Another thing to bear in mind about Oil of Oregano is that people who are allergic to mint, sage, thyme or basil may also be allergic to Oregano.

For me, personally, Oil of Oregano has proven to be one of my most trusted and effective household remedies. I make my own body oils and add a few drops of Oil of Oregano for topical treatments. We have used it to cure yeast infections, athletes foot, and acne. It has also done a wonderful job of keeping infections at bay from a cut. We use it instead of Neosporin. It is very important to remember to make sure it is diluted when using it on an abrasion because it will burn at first, and then numbs the spot.

Oil of Oregano has proven to be an excellent pain reliever. We have used it to treat headaches effectively, and it has done wonders for cramps during menstruation. It completely wipes out the pain, in fact.

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I have dealt with digestive problems for years. I discovered that I was allergic to the medications I had been prescribed for my stomach issues, so was forced to seek alternative methods. That’s when I discovered Oil of Oregano. It was all I needed. I no longer have stomach issues at all.

When I take Oil of Oregano orally I typically add a drop to my toothbrush before I brush my teeth in the evening before bed. It is strong this way, but I no longer have any dental issues, and I have nice fresh breath. When I administer it to my children, I add a few drops to their beverage. They usually can’t even taste it. It knocks out coughing and chest congestion. It has truly been a wonder for this household.