Articles for tag: Chronic Sinusitis, Nasal Irrigation, Sinus Infections, Sinus Irrigation

Karla News

Alternative Medicine for Sinus Infections

For anyone who has suffered from a sinus infection, you know that the pain can be unbearable. The infections-which typically follow a cold-can last for several days. For some, the symptoms last for considerably longer, sometimes as long as eight weeks. If you have had a sinus infection, you have probably been prescribed one of ...

Karla News

5 Ways to Prevent Sinus Infections

Sinus infections are the end result of a disruption in the natural defenses of the human body. They happen when some form of irritant inflames the sinus tissue, allowing bacteria, pollutants or viruses to enter and set up house. Before you know it, you have a headache or pressure behind your eyes, a stuffy head, ...

Karla News

How to Prevent and Cure a Sinus Infection

Sinus infections suck. There is simply no better way to say it. They are painful and uncomfortable. Sooner or later everyone has experienced a nasty sinus infection in their lives. Fortunately this article shall go over some of the great ways to avoid a cold turning into a sinus infection and how to cure a ...

Karla News

The Cure to My Chronic Sinus Infections

Twice a year, like clockwork I would expect a sinus infection. My sinus infections were so consistent, that I could call my doctor’s office for antibiotics without an appointment. However, I learned how to cure my sinus infections and have not had an infection in over 15 years. I am afflicted with a common ailment ...

Karla News

What Causes Sinus Infection?

Ever wondered what really causes a sinus infection? There are many possibilities and it is sometimes hard to pinpoint which one is the culprit. You could have gotten it while you are at work, out in the mall, doing a certain activity or even at home so here are some of the known causes of ...

Sinus Infection Prevention

You don’t always have to wait for sinus infection to strike before you take action. In fact, there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening and here are a few. 1. Moisten the air in your home. You can do this by buying a humidifier or an air conditioning unit as this ...

Sinusitis and Your Sinus Infection

Sinus infections generally start as a common cold, leaving one feeling tired and achy. You are coughing, blowing your nose and trying to stay ahead of your headache. After a few days, all these symptoms seem to worsen and you can not feel relief from taking medicine. Your face feels very painful and congested. This ...

Karla News

Causes of a Deviated Septum

A deviated septum most commonly occurs after a trauma. An impact such as a blow to the face is a primary cause of a deviated septum. Other causes are congenital disorders as well as difficult childbirth in which the nose becomes compressed. Sign and Symptoms The septum of the nose is cartilage and bone that ...

Home Remedies for Sinus Infections

A sinus infection, (or sinusitis as it is otherwise known) is an inflammation of the sinus and nasal passages. Some of the symptoms associated with a sinus infection can be pressure in the eyes, nose or cheek area. Sinusitis can also cause headaches. Here are a few home remedies that you can use to help ...