Karla News

Before You Buy a Poodle


Poodles are well known for having a rather carefree, happy attitude.

Importantly, they enjoy being around humans and the touch of human contact. So much so that they often grow very anxious if they are left to fend for themselves for too long. If you are an individual whose job requires you to be away from the house for extended periods of time, you should highly consider having another dog around as a companion for your poodle. Another thing to consider if you aren’t home in the middle of the day, is finding someone to walk your dogs, as poodles are often active dogs who will benefit from exercise. While having someone watch your dog is another option, you must make sure that you trust whoever it is that you leave your dog in the care of, and that they are being treated as well as trained as you would like if they were under your care. No matter what you decide to do with your poodle, just know that the poodles are a very caring breed, and human contact is essential for their happiness. If you are the type of person that loves to leave your dog in the backyard, away from the rest of the family, this is not the breed for you.

Poodles are a very bright breed of dog who can often pick up on things quicker than most dogs, putting the owner on its heels, as these dogs will quickly learn how to get into various areas of the house and even the outside by opening things such as doors and even windows.

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Poodles usually reach a height of between 15″ and their weight averages between 30-75 pounds depending on that height. Because this is such a drastic weight gap, it is important, if at all possible, to learn about the parents of the poodle, so you can get a general idea of the size your dog will become. For the most part though, female poodles stay around the 45 pound range and males around 60 pounds once fully grown, as the poodle is bred to be a large breed

One of the perks of owning a poodle is the fact that they are a rather healthy breed of dog. With the technology in use today, breeders are able to test poodles for any type of genetic abnormalities before choosing whether or not to allow them to breed, which in turn limits the number of unhealthy or sickly poodle puppies being born. This testing allows breeders to check for various types of diseases to ensure that the traits will not be passed on to the puppies.

It is important when choosing to get a poodle, that you go to a breeder that is known for breeding dogs in a humane, loving manner, and avoid “puppy mills” at all costs. Buying from a breeder also decreases the likelihood that you will end up with a puppy with lifelong deformities or illnesses.

This isn’t to say that even after buying your poodle from a breeder that your puppy may not become sick, as we can only control so much of our dog’s health so it is important to feed your poodle a healthy diet as well as exercise often, limiting their susceptibility to particular conditions. These habits, along with proper vaccinations will allow your puppy to lead a rather stress-free life, ensuring a longer one, which means more memories for you and your wonderful pet.