Articles for tag: Genetic Testing, Genetic Tests, Sma

Is Genetic Testing for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Dependable?

As stated by the U.S. Library of Medicine, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive genetic disease that affects the motor neurons, neurons that are required for movement, in the brain stem and the spinal cord. The loss of the motor neurons means that individuals affected by this disease will loss most motor functions ...

Karla News

A Tour of Missouri’s Wine Country

Touring Missouri wine country is a great way to relsx and take the edge off of the day. There are a lot of other attractions besides the wine like the quaint antique shops, spectacular scenery, and some very nice bed and breakfasts too. First stop on our list is the town of Augusta, about 37 ...

Wilson’s Disease – Too Much Copper!

Wilson’s disease is an illness that is inherited, one that causes copper to accumulate in a person’s liver, brain, and other organs. In a typical person, copper is absorbed from their food and whatever is excessive is excreted by the liver, but this does not happen in someone with Wilson’s disease. The copper removal in ...

Karla News

Predict Your Baby’s Eye Color

When you’re pregnant, running genetic tests that do things like calculate the possible color of your future child’s eyes is a wonderfully fun thing to do. My first stop when I wanted to see what the most likely color of our son’s eyes would be was an eye color generator that I found online. It’s ...