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Beetlejuice Quotes

Beetlejuice, Black Plague, Memorable Quotes, Valium

” Beetlejuice ” quotes are full of dark humor. The 1988 movie ” Beetlejuice ” is about a couple named Barbara, and Adam who suddenly die in a freak accident. They struggle accepting the truth about their death, and try to keep on living in their old home. A living family moves into their house, which does not sit well with Adam and Barb. They seek the advice of a cruel ghost named Betelgeuse to help scare the family into moving. The dark comedy has great, and memorable quotes, especially from Betelgeuse and Lydia.

  1. “My whole life is a dark room. One big dark room.” by Lydia. The always dark and dramatic Lydia says this ” Beetlejuice ” quote in response to her stepmother saying they will build her a darkroom. She uses a play on words to equate a photographers dark room, with her dark and dreary life. Her stepmother Delia never falls for Lydia’s melancholy and in response says, “So you were miserable in New York City, and now you’re going to be miserable out here in the sticks.
  2. “Ah. Well, I attended Juilliard, I’m a graduate of the Harvard business school. I travel quite extensively. I lived through the Black Plague and had a pretty good time during that. I’ve seen the exorcist about a hundred and sixty-seven times, and it keeps getting funnier every single time I see it. Not to mention the fact that you’re talking to a dead guy. Now what do you think? by Betelgeuse. This ” Beetlejuice ” quote was said after Adam asked what qualifications Betelgeuse has that can help him and Barb learn how to scare people. The long but hilarious quote started off with Betelgeuse using a proper voice for emphasis on how ridiculous the question was that Adam asked. Towards the end Betelgeuse started shouting out of frustration for even having to explain how he was qualified to help the couple.
  3. “I’m the ghost with the most, babe.” by Betelgeuse. This ” Beetlejuice ” quote was said by Betelgeuse after Lydia asked him if he was a ghost. While Lydia was looking for Adam and Barb she runs into Betelgeuse for the first time. He was still in miniature form, and lies to Lydia telling her Barb and Adam went to the after life. This ” Beetlejuice ” quote is one of the more well known and memorable quotes.
  4. “Well, I’ve read through that handbook for the recently deceased. It says, ‘live people ignore the strange and unusual. I, myself, am strange and unusual.” by Lydia. The only living person that can see Adam and Barb is Lydia. Their first encounter results in Lydia taking pictures of them, but the pictures turn up blank. Adam asks Lydia how she can see them, and she responds with this ” Beetlejuice ” quote about being strange and unusual. Lydia also reveals she read and understood the handbook for the dead, and at that point neither Adam or Barb could understand the book.
  5. “Stepmother. Anyway, you can’t scare her. She’s sleeping with Prince Valium tonight.” by Lydia. Adam and Barbra try to scare Delia by dressing up in sheets, but are unsuccessful. They run into her step-daughter Lydia in the hallway. Lydia says this ” Beetlejuice ” quote in order the explain why they cannot wake up, and scare her stepmother. Prince Valium is a funny way for Lydia to explain that Delia took sleeping pills that night.