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Back Acne: A Guide to Getting Your Back in Shape!

Back Acne, Severe Acne

Back acne, or “bacne” as it is sometimes referred to, is basically pimples on your back. It can range from small pimples here and there to more severe acne. The latter can include pus-filled or cyst-like pimples.

Back acne can affect you emotionally, as well. People tend to hide their backs due to embarrassment. So, I decided to write this as a guide to get you on your way to showing off your back again!

NOTE: Consult a physician or a dermatologist if you have severe acne on your back. You may need prescription medication. They can also let you know what you should do to help it heal.

If you have a mild to moderate case of back acne, here are some tips and helpful hints to get you on your way to clear skin, and back to wearing those revealing shirts and dresses!

1. Avoid wearing tight fitting shirts. Whenever possible wear loose clothing. Tight clothes cause your perspiration to stay on your skin. This may cause your pores to clog.

2. Wear your hair up. This will keep the oil and any product residue in your hair away from your back. If you can’t wear your hair up all the time, try to do it as much as you can, especially at night.

3. Change your sheets and pajamas often. The dirt and oil will keep transferring back and forth from your skin to your bed if you don’t, so you want to keep them as clean as possible. If you can, find a laundry detergent that is hypoallergenic and/or dye free while you are trying to clear up your back.

See also  How to Treat Back Acne in Adults

4. Keep your back clean. Use a back scrubber or loofah with a long handle. Don’t scrub too hard. The point is to try to remove dead skin, not to scrub your skin off!

Pair it with a cleanser like Neutrogena’s Body Clear Body Wash. It contains salicylic acid, which fights acne. You can also use a gentle exfoliator. Choose one with small grains; the larger ones may be too rough.

5. Get a back facial. Yes, you read that right! The steps are the same as a facial. A lot of spas and salons offer this treatment. Call a few places in your area and see if they offer back facials. It is so relaxing, and can really deep clean your skin.

6. Steam your back 2-4 times per week. Most likely, you won’t have a stand up salon-style steamer, so you can use hot towels instead. For this, you will need someone’s help. You will need towels about the size of a hand towel. Two or three will do. Open the towel, wet it, fold it in half lengthwise, and roll from end to end. Squeeze out excess water. Lay down on your stomach. Have your helper roll out the towel and check the temperature before putting it on you. They can then put an end of the towel on your shoulder to make sure it’s not too hot for you. When it starts to get cool, switch to another one, or layer another on top. After 15-20 minutes, take the towels off and wipe off excess moisture. Wipe with an astringent soaked cotton ball.

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Helpful hint: You can use a crock pot set to the warm setting to keep them nice and warm. NEVER use the high setting, as this may cause burns!

These tips can also be used as a guide for acne on your upper arms or chest.

I hope this will help you on your way to a more clear and beautiful back! Break out those spaghetti straps and low-cut dresses and shirts! You will be on your way to wearing them again! Always remember, it takes time to heal, so don’t expect results overnight. Good luck!