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Baby Shower Games and Prize Ideas

I had two baby showers with two sets of totally different games. I went to others’ showers and I don’t think any of us had the same games. I do know that all the mothers-to-be, including me, threatened the hostess bodily harm if there was going to be any body measurements or weight guessing of “mom. I have composed a list of games I thought were fun and a neat idea as far as mom-to-be is concerned.

The first “game” to play is to hand out envelopes as the guests come in. Ask them to write their names and addresses on the envelope and whoever’s envelope is chosen wins a prize. Once everyone is there pick up the envelopes and put them in a hat for the “mom-to-be” to draw one for a prize. The envelopes of course are saved for the thank you cards. Now the “mom-to-be” will thank you because she doesn’t have to address the thank you card envelopes. This works best when you buy the thank you cards with matching envelopes and just give them in a gift basket to the “mom-to-be” with her gift.

Buy pacifiers and put strings around them. As everyone comes in give them a pacifier necklace. Whoever says “baby” loses their necklace and the person that catches the culprit gets the pacifier. At the end of the party whoever has the most pacifiers wins.

Purchase five or ten baby foods in the clear glass jars. Take off the labels and mark the labels and jars with corresponding numbers. Then the game will be for the guests to write down what they think the food is. Put out enough paper and pens for everyone invited before the guests arrive. Pass the numbered jars around, but they can’t be opened. Once you explain the game and everyone has seen the jars and finished writing, whoever has the most correct guessed foods wins a prize. The jars of food and labels can be placed in the “mom’s-to-be” gift basket.

See also  Best Online Games for Small Children

Make a crossword puzzle. The clues can be about babies or the “mom-to-be”. Put these out before everyone arrives. Whoever gets the most right wins a prize.

Buy a pack of diapers and five to ten different types of candy bars (baby food works really well too). In each diaper put one very smashed up candy bar. Pass the diaper around or set it in the middle of the guests. Everyone can touch or smell the dirty diaper. Whoever writes the most correct candy bars down wins a prize. This can get quite funny watching the guests poke at the diaper and if someone sells it watch-out! The best candy bars to use for this is Butterfinger, Heath, Mars, Reese’s Cup, or anything with a mixture inside. The leftover diapers can be put in the gift basket for “mom-to-be.

If it is a small close group of friends “mom-to-be” trivia is fun to play. Compile a list of questions about mom to ask at the shower. Put paper and pens out for this game. Whoever gets the most questions right wins a prize.

A somewhat fast game is the “mom-to-be” chooses a letter in the alphabet and the guests write as many names as they can think of in 15 seconds. Whoever has the most names wins a prize.

The prizes should either keep with the theme of the baby shower or be a variety of the same value. Candles, bottles with candy from most any party store, and little dollar gifts are good ideas. Some Dollar Tree Stores carry prizes that might be suitable or even give you ideas.