Karla News

Apple Cider Vinegar Used For Diabetes


I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last year, at the age of 49 . Since then I have been trying a systematic approach to get a non-medicine handle on it.

First, let me say that I am not telling anyone to do what I have done, without talking to their doctors.

When my doctor first told me that I was diabetic, like most people I thought that I could ignore it and it would go away. Maybe if I lost a few pounds and started exercising it would disappear. My doctor assured me in his most polite tone that genetics were against me and that he would give me 3 months to see what i could do.After 3 months that turned into 6 months He prescribed Metformin for me. I started taking this and within a week My sugar levels were good, and just about everyday I felt like garbage. I was tired, felt sick , and had chest pains , so I stopped taking the Metformin and started my own search for something that would help me manage my sugar levels.

After a lot of looking I found some information about Apple cider vinegar . It basically showed how that not only was it a natural digestive cleanser, but it would help you metabolize carbohydrates. Through my trial and error period I had found that carbs were my mortal enemy. I spiked into the 300s after eating noodles, bread ,rice, and especially corn products. So I started experimenting with the vinegar.

What follows are the results of my ongoing battle to cope with this.
You cannot overeat no matter what you take, I learned this early on. Even with the vinegar, corn products and pizza still send me over the top.Everything is reduced to serving size. The apple cider vinegar that I take helps maintain a good sugar level as long as I do not overdo it.
I currently take 3 to 4 glasses of this a day. the recipe is ” a glass of water ( or tea) about 20 oz., mix in approximately 2 oz. of apple cider vinegar ( the local grocery store should have this), and 3 packets of Splenda. You can drink it cold or hot , but you need to drink it with your meal or as soon as possible after wards. It does not seem to stay in your body, but instead works with the foods.

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The only caution to this isSTART SLOWLY ! I do know that this is a little like Russian roulette, If you take too much you will get stomach cramps. I started with 1/2 oz once a day with my main meal and worked my way up from there.

As a comparison before I started doing this, my fasting levels were 130+ and after meals it would soar into the 300+ range. Since I have been doing this my fasting levels are 85 to 100 and very rarely do I get over 200 unless I eat something I shouldn’t. I have cut way back on the carbs which is a real drag cause I loved pizza, I have lost 30 lbs so far and I feel better than any day with metformin.

To reiterate, Talk to your doctor before trying this and go slowly, especially if you have a touchy stomach.