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Ants and Peonies: What’s the Relationship?

Ants, Get Rid of Bees, Peonies, Peony

Ants and peonies seem to go together love and marriage. Folklore has it that the ants actually help the peonies open but is that really true? Or is there another explanation for the relationship between ants and peonies? I was curious and did some research and here’s what I learned.

About Peonies

Peonies are shrub-like plants that produce large-headed blossoms in a variety of colors. The blossoms are so large that in fact, their weight often topples the stem supporting it, especially when loaded with water after a heavy rain. The plants can reach from two to four feet tall. Peonies come in single, semi-double and double variations. Colors vary from white to shades of pink and red. Peony buds are covered by scales. Along these scales are tiny glands which secrete sweet-tasting nectar.

These hardy plants have few disease and pest problems, making them a favorite in the landscape. They prefer full sun and can thrive for many years undisturbed in the garden. Failure to bloom can be caused by things like a late spring freeze, excessive amounts of nitrogen in the soil and disease or insects problems. In some cases, it can be caused by overcrowding but it is not the result of a lack of ants.

About the Ants

The sweet-tasting nectar is a combination of sugar, water and amino acids. Most ants are drawn to sugar and will swarm over the unopened buds, collecting the nectar. This feeding frenzy may give the appearance of the ants actually helping the peony blossom to open but in reality, they are simply collecting food. The blossoms will open regardless of whether the ants are there.

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Beneficial Relationship

Ants are protective of a food source. They will fight aggressively to protect one. In this sense, they are helpful to the peony as they deter other insects which might feed on the nectar and actually harm the peony. The peony, obviously supplies the food the ants crave, creating the simpatico relationship.

Ants are not responsible for opening the petals of the peony blossom. The two simply live in harmony and enjoy the benefits one another provides.


Iowa State University Extension: Ants, Bees and Ladybugs – Old Legends Die Hard, University of Rhode Island:Peonies
