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Almond Milk: A Cow’s Milk Substitute

Almond Milk, Almond Milk Benefits, Milk Substitute, What is Almond Milk

A long time ago in the middle ages almond milk was created as it did not spoil like regular milk and dried almonds could be held for long periods of time without spoiling. Almond milk is a liquid made from blending and straining a combination of almonds and water. It is often is mixed with sweeteners or vanilla to create a more desirable taste. Almond milk is completely dairy free, so it makes the perfect substitute for those who are lactose intolerant or follow the vegan dietary regiment. It can also be used as a substitute for cooking with milk when recipes require non-fat or low-fat milk. Another key nutritional factor is that almond milk is cholesterol free and high in vitamin D and vitamin E.

When compared to soy or rice milk, almond milk is a choice for texture. It can be less chalky than rice milk and has less scary hormones than soy milk. (Yes soymilk has hormones that in large quantities can be harmful to your endocrine system) There is a slight aftertaste that resembles marzipan. Almond milk is much thinner than soy milk and is a similar consistancy to rice milk. However it can be more difficult to find in your local grocery than rice and soy milk. I myself have not seen almond milk at a local major grocery store chain. Most specialty natural and health food stores will have at least one brand of almond milk. Additionally Blue Diamond Almonds offers their almond milk online at http://www.bluediamond.com/shop/natural/almondBreeze32.cfm.

Making almond milk is very easy, it might actually be easier than finding it at a local grocery store. You start with a cup of almonds. Rinse the almonds in cold water. Take the almonds and soak them in three cups of water over night in the refrigerator. Blend the almonds and water mixture on the highest setting on your blender until it is a pulp. Drain the pulp with a cheese cloth and squeeze out your almond milk in a container. For personal flavor you can add sugar, sweetener (I recommend using stevia a natural herb sweetener), honey or vanilla extract. Try experimenting to figure out the the blend for you! For additional options and details on almond milk visit: http://www.living-foods.com/recipes/almondmilk.html

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