Articles for tag: Allergy Shots

How to Know If You Need Allergy Shots

Lately you’ve been suffering. Your eyes are red and your nose is running, you’ve been sneezing non-stop and the antihistamine you are taking works only part of the time. If this sounds like you, then you are not alone. More than 55 million people in the United States have allergies to things in the air ...

Allergy Shots Proven Most Effective

Over-the-counter allergy medications and nasal steroids may be great in relieving allergy symptoms but they only last for the short term. Immunotherapy commonly referred to as allergy shots is the choice method for obtaining long term reprieve from allergy symptoms. Dr. Bobby Lanier, American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, executive medical director states The ...

Tips to Coping with Allergies: Relief from Allergic Symptoms

The summer allergy season is upon us. People who suffer from seasonal allergies experience allergic symptoms during the warm summer months when pollens are flying. Miserable seasonal allergy symptoms can be caused by grass pollen, tree pollen, rag weed, goldenrod and just about anything else that releases pollen into the atmosphere. In addition to the ...

How to Avoid Seasonal Migraines

Migraines are painful headaches often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fatigue and sensitivity to light. A migraine can last from four hours to three days, occasionally lasting even longer. Migraines can be triggered by emotional stress, weather conditions, excessive fatigue, food, menstrual cycles, and other factors. A change in seasons can also trigger migraines. This article ...

Can You Treat Allergies with Honey?

You don’t have to look far to find amazing claims of honey’s potential health benefits. A quick search through your favorite online search engine or your favorite alternative health magazine will quickly prove just how popular honey is as an alternative medicine. Honey is purported to help ease indigestion, relieve constipation and even grow hair. ...

Karla News

How to Deal with Seasonal Allergies

I have suffered with hayfever, or summer allergies, for 39 years. I have some tried and true remedies that I use to alleviate the suffering that accompanies my allergies. If you have itchy eyes, a runny nose, itchy ears or throat, or a cold that doesn’t want to go away, you might have seasonal allergies. ...