Articles for tag: Air Purification, Air Purifiers, HEPA, Hepa Filters, Ionic Breeze

Karla News

Top Air Purifiers Under $50

Many of us are looking for cleaner air to breathe. Air purifiers can fit that bill. Air purifiers work by drawing air in (normally with a fan), purifying it, and pushing the clean air back out. The purification is done one of three ways: mechanically, through adsorption, or electronically. Mechanical filtering is forcing the air ...

Karla News

Purchasing an Indoor Air Purifier Could Be Hazardous to Your Health

The indoor air purification industry has certainly grown in the last several years. With the concern over outdoor air pollution rising, whether that concern is valid or not, it’s only natural that concerns about indoor air pollution are being raised, and in some cases exploited, by equipment manufacturers motivated more by profit than by safety. ...

Air Cleaner Benefits

Air purifiers, also known as air cleaners, are electronic devices that often resemble an upright floor fan. Air cleaners use several different methods of cleaning air. Some air purifiers direct air over a HEPA filter, others use ultraviolet radiation and some feature an electrostatic surface to collect dust and impurities from the air. These devices ...

Do Air Cleaners REALLY Work?

Ever been in a home or office that was so dusty you could literally feel yourself ingesting the dust every time you inhale? It’s happened to me a few times and I can tell you – after seeing digital photography of what dust particles actually look like – it’s enough to make me wanna go ...

Air Purifiers Pros and Cons

All it takes is a quick Internet search to find that the number of brands and types of air purifiers on the market makes shopping a daunting task. The second thing you’ll notice is the price; air purifiers are expensive. Those on the fence may ask, “Are they really worth it?” A fair question, but ...

Karla News

Treatment for Symptoms of Cat Allergies

Suddenly becoming allergic to your own cats can be a little startling. Actually, suddenly developing a whole slew of indoor and outdoor allergies can be a little startling, too, but luckily there are ways to deal. When you found out that your own pets are a main cause of your allergy symptoms, you might have ...

Removing a Dust Mite Infestation

The waste products from dust mites, when inhaled, can trigger an allergic reaction. Dust mites don’t usually bite people but they leave behind feces wherever they travel, which can cause an allergic reaction (similar to red bite marks) when it comes in contact with your skin. Dust mites can survive all year long in warm ...