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All About the Breed: Greenland Dog

Also known as the Grundslandshun, Grondslandshun, and the Esquimaux Dog, the Greenland Dog is a hard working and devoted breed. But how do you know whether you are ready to purchase a pet and if this breed is right for you? This information is absolutely necessary in making the decision to purchase a pet.


The origin of the Greenland Dog can be traced back as far as 7000 BC Greenland through modern carbon dating. Enthusiasts believe these dogs to have descended from various ancient Spitz breeds and wild wolves, though this is yet to be proven scientifically or otherwise.

Throughout its history, the Greenland Dog has been most commonly used for hunting and tracking large game such as polar bear and seal, as a sled pulling dog, and as a watch and guard dog, proving its superior abilities to work in the harshest of climates and terrain while providing protection and companionship.

Today, while the Greenland Dog has attained a regional popularity as a working and companion dog, the breed remains rather rare outside of its native Greenland.

Personality Traits

Best known for its energetic and outgoing nature, the Greenland Dog is a devoted worker that enjoys keeping busy. These dogs thrive on strong and dependable relationships with humans, as they often look to their owners for leadership and guidance. This breed is very intelligent, yet stubborn and independent at times, creating moderate difficulty in training. As a pet, the Greenland Dog is loyal, loving, and affectionate. These dogs are not suited for full-time indoor or apartment living, as they enjoy spending time outdoors and taking long walks.

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Due to its stubborn and independent attitude, the Greenland Dog can prove somewhat challenging to train. This breed is known for growing bored and even annoyed with repetitive exercises and tasks.

Establishing immediate dominance, trust, and respect is key to successfully training the Greenland Dog. These dogs require an experienced, confident, and patient handler with a stern and serious approach to structured training.

Benefits and Disadvantages of the Breed

There are many benefits to owning a Greenland Dog. These active dogs are often quite amusing and entertaining to watch while at play. When properly socialized from a young age, the Greenland Dog gets along well with small children and other pets, often making friends quickly due to its need to belong to a pack. This breed is territorial, alert, and protective, making an incredible watch and guard dog by announcing the arrival of guests and unwanted visitors and serving as a deterrent to would-be intruders. The Greenland Dog is loyal, loving, and affectionate, making an excellent working dog, family pet, and companion alike.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages to owning a Greenland Dog. These active and athletic dogs require large amounts of daily exercise and room to run and play outdoors. Anyone wishing to purchase this breed lacking the adequate amount of time and space to dedicate to the dog is strongly advised against doing so. A Greenland Dog not receiving the proper amount of exercise and space will often act out by destroying property, chewing, barking, whining, and ignoring basic training such as housebreaking.

The Greenland Dog has a strong instinct to hunt and will occasionally indulge in a good chase. When on the run, these large dogs are surprisingly quick, and may pose a threat to other animals, neighborhood pets, and small woodland creatures. These dogs must be leashed or properly secured at all times when outdoors.

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Like most Spitz breeds, the Greenland Dog’s thick and gorgeous coat requires almost constant attention such as brushing, grooming, and bathing in order to prevent staining and matting, and to maintain its attractive appearance.

As previously mentioned, the Greenland Dog remains rather rare outside of its native Greenland and can prove difficult to obtain. Individuals seeking to purchase this breed often encounter such challenges as inability to locate a breeder, extremely high prices, and being placed on long waiting lists.

Common Health Concerns

While the Greenland Dog is typically known as a healthy and hearty breed, they do suffer from a few health problems, including: hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, primary lens luxation – dislocation of the lens, glaucoma, vision problems – sometimes leading to total blindness, chronic ear infection, obesity, and bloat.

Now that you know all about the breed, do you think you are ready to own a Greenland Dog? Remember, purchasing a pet is a big decision and should be discussed thoroughly and seriously with your entire family.


