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Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Shower Works Hair Treatment, Moisturizing Formula

Alberto Vo5, Hot Oil Treatment, Jovan, VO5

I have always been a fan of Alberto VO5’s hot oil treatments, but I used to only buy them sparingly only because I hated the whole heating in a glass cup of hot water before using it nonsense. I like fast quick showers, where products are simplified to make my life easier, and when I saw Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Shower Works Hair Treatment, Moisturizing Formula, I had to have it!


Plain and simply put…. no pre-heating was needed for this hot oil treatment. All I had to do was apply a few dabs of it to my hair before shampooing and conditioning.

With this new no heating necessary rule, I wondered how well the treatment would actually work.

My use:

I wet my hair, and applied a generous amount of Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Shower Works Hair Treatment, Moisturizing Formula to my locks. I waited one minute; as directed, and rinsed it out.

It made my hair feel silky, and smooth. The scent was also to die for, and reminded me of JOVAN musk. A scent in which I have always loved. For those of you who don’t know what JOVAN smells like, let me say that it is a warm musk, infused with very light tones of flowers and vanilla. It’s just delish!

Even though Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Shower Works Hair Treatment, Moisturizing Formula didn’t mention anything about using conditioner after shampooing, I used it anyway. There was no way I would be able to get a brush through my hair without doing so.


After getting out of the shower and waiting for my hair to dry I definitely noticed a difference. My hair was soft, it had no frizz, and it felt….pretty! My hair really never feels pretty while it is drying out. Usually it dries out with stray loose frizzes sticking up, loaded with knots, and has a nasty kinky feel to it.

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My hair drying up with Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Shower Works Hair Treatment, Moisturizing Formula in it was different. Totally different. I liked; I loved, and best of all that musky scent stood with my dew.


I only use Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Shower Works Hair Treatment, Moisturizing Formula about 3 times a month. Using it too many times in one week tend to make your hair look greasy and weighed down. I have thick hair, and believe me a little goes a long way.


I recommend using Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Shower Works Hair Treatment, Moisturizing Formula only when your hair is looking dull and lifeless. This hot oil treatment really does the job, and it does it right. I recommend using it every other week, and I recommend those with shorter thinner hair only use a pea sized drop.

If you were a fan of the original hot oil treatments, than you will love this one. It saves time, and works just as well, if not better.


Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Shower Works Hair Treatment, Moisturizing Formula comes wrapped up in a decorative box. Inside is a small 2 ounce bottle of Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Shower Works Hair Treatment, Moisturizing Formula. The formula itself is the same color as the original hot oil tubes. A bright piss colored yellow/orange.

Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Shower Works Hair Treatment, Moisturizing Formula will be shelved right next to the original formula and you can find it in any local drugstore or superstore for around $6.00.