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A Woman’s Guide to Soothing Shave Burns

Ice Pack, Shaving Gel, Underarms

Shave burns can hurt and leave behind a red rash on legs and the underarms, which makes the region sensitive to the application of deodorant and body lotion. What can you do to soothe shave burns?

Cool the Area Right Away with an Ice Pack

The burning sensation from a nick or cut from a razor can come up right away, but cooling the skin right away by using an ice pack can help soothe the area and lessen the redness and rash. Wrap the ice pack in a clean towel or cloth and apply it to the skin, as the skin will be even more irritated if you apply the ice pack directly to the underarm or leg region.

Soothe the Skin Using Aloe Vera

Aloe vera works wonders to cool irritated skin that has been affected by mosquito bites, minor burns and even shave burns sustained by a sharp razor scraping across delicate skin. Dry the skin completely and then apply aloe vera and wait for it to dry before following up with deodorant or body lotion.

Preventative Steps to Help Avoid Shave Burns

Stop shave burns in their tracks by taking preventative steps to help avoid burns in the first place. Make sure you shave on a regular basis so that you have less hair to remove and use a shaving gel designed for women (not for men!) that provides moisturising relief and protection to skin by softening it so that you will not be left with a painful scraping feeling from a shave burn. Also, be careful to shave gently, especially when you are working your way around your ankles and the soft folds of skin in your underarm region, which can be easily nicked or scraped.

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Shave burns are uncomfortable and can last for days, which is why you should be careful while shaving your legs and underarms so that you do not end up with shave burns. But if you do, cool the area right away with an ice pack or soothe the skin with aloe vera, which cools the skin and helps reduce inflammation. To help prevent shave burns in future, use a shaving gel for women that provides moisturising relief and protection and practice using gentle strokes while shaving to avoid nicks, cuts and burns.