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A Home Office for the Home Restoration Business

People tend to think that working from home is for the super small business owner that just doesn’t make enough money to afford proper business location. The truth is, there are just some businesses that have no need for a traditional office, like a home restoration business. Running your home restoration business from your a spare room in your house can be great for a hobbyist, but if you want to make an empire out of it, you need to ask your self some important questions.

Before you decide to start converting your empty basement or garage into an office, you need to make sure that your home restoration business is going to be a home based business in the long run. Make sure you will have no need to spend money on expanding to new locations before you start spending money remodeling the basement.

Being in the construction business offers you the unique opportunity to build an office that suits your needs. This can be a great route to go if you need a large office or workshop. You just need to look at the big picture.

Some factors to consider are:

Customers – Think about who your customers are and what type of professionalism they expect. Most people wouldn’t want to go get a tattoo in someone’s basement. So make sure that people won’t look down on your home restoration business because it is based from the home.

You also need to make sure that customers are allowed to come to your house. Some business licenses will only let you operate a business from your home as long as customers won’t be coming to that location.

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If you are going to have customer come to your home for any type appoints, meetings, or consultations, you need to make sure you have an impressive home or office. Being in the home restoration business, a customer would expect you to live in an old home. Bringing customers to your home could prove to be a great marketing tool.

Brand Image – Make sure that because your home restoration business is run from the home that it won’t hurt the image of the business. Some customers like the idea of a home based business because it brings your or your company down to earth. If you are in a business where image is everything and you live in a one bedroom house in the middle of suburbia you might need an outside office.

As I mentioned before, living in a large old home you have renovated your self could be a great marketing tool. If you have only partly renovated the house, then it might not be a good idea to have customers over. Why would any home owner hire a home restoration company that is based out of a half finished home?

Your home will be your business card. Make sure that your home showcases your best handy work. If you will be bringing customers to your home, you want to be able to “wow” them.

Company growth – Take some time to dream big and see what happens with your home restoration busines. Is there a possibility you would ever want your little camount of side work to go national? If so, you are going to have to start thinking about things like employees, product storage and more. Something a home office just couldn’t handle.

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If you plan of growing your home restoration business to more than just some side work, you need to take into consideration a large amount of factors.

Will you have employees? If so, will they being coming to the office for anything? The more employees and customers coming to your house, the more traffic you will have. What about tools and trucks? Do you have enough room for them all?

This is the biggest question of all to answer and requires a lot of thought. Take some time to really sit down and think about it. It can’t hurt to dream big. It may end up saving you time and trouble in the long run.