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A Guide to the Allegheny County Real Estate Market

Allegheny, Open House Tips

While some in the greater Pittsburgh-region have moved out of the Allegheny County Real Estate Market to neighboring counties, many others have decided to purchase homes in Allegheny County. Although Allegheny County Real Estate taxes are more expensive than those in counties such as Westmoreland, Butler, and Beaver, Allegheny County residents enjoy a closer proximity to the city of Pittsburgh, as well as strong school and park systems. If you are considering a home purchase in the Allegheny County Real Estate Market, there are plenty of resources that can help you in your decision-making.

First, you should know that the Allegheny County Real Estate market is favorably priced when compared with the rest of the country. Cnnmoney.com states that home prices in the Allegheny County Real Estate market are about 15% under-priced when compared with the rest of the nation. This means that you can buy a reasonable new or existing home in the Allegheny County Real Estate market for much less than you can in most other parts of the country.

Once you are ready to look for a home in the Allegheny County Real Estate market, you will want to look at the Allegheny County Real Estate website for additional information. Every home in the Allegheny County Real Estate market is listed on the website, with all sales information provided. In addition to the price paid for the home, you will find a listing of the home’s attributes, comparable homes, property tax information, and a photo of the home. The Allegheny County Real Estate website is a great tool in finding up-to-date information about all homes in the county. For additional Allegheny County Real Estate market data, you can consult the Saturday edition of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, which lists all Allegheny County Real Estate transactions.

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You will find new home construction in the Allegheny County Real Estate market, but in most cases this will require you to move outside of the city. Most of the new home construction in the Allegheny County Real Estate market is found on the outskirts of the county, in areas such as South Fayette, Franklin Park, Plum, and Moon Township. In these areas, you can find brand new townhouses and single-family homes in all price ranges and sizes. If you want to stay within the Pittsburgh city limits, Summerset at Frick Park offers new homes overlooking the Monongahela River, with prices starting at $300,000 and reaching above $600,000.

For additional information on the Allegheny County Real Estate market, you’ll want to watch the home shows put together by local real estate agencies. These are typically shown on Sunday mornings between 11am-12pm on local television stations and feature homes throughout the Allegheny County Real Estate market. These home shows provide open house information for the featured homes so that you can visit the homes in person if you find one that you are interested in.

You should find that the Allegheny County Real Estate market provides Pittsburgh-area residents with many reasonable home options at any price or home style that you desire. Hopefully this guide will help you in your home search process.


  • Pittsburgh Home Tips