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The Different Types of Dog Food

Dog Food, Dry Dog Food, Homemade Dog Food, Switch Your Dog's Food, Wet Dog Food

As any dog owner knows, proper nutrition is essential to the health of your pet. This responsibility of providing a healthy, balanced diet for the dog falls on the pet owner. Dog food manufacturers have made it easy for dog lovers to select the best type of dog food for their pet by manufacturing a wide assortment of dog food styles including puppy, small dog, large dog, senior, and specially-formulated brands of dog food.

Carried by pet stores, grocery centers, discount stores, veterinarian offices, and online pet shops, dog food is sold in several varieties including dry, semi-moist, and moist. Today’s dog food smells so much better than it did years ago. Plus, each package now includes the essential nutrients needed to keep your dog healthy.

Dry Dog Food

Easy to store, dry dog food is also easy to use. Pet owners simply measure out a portion of the dry food as indicated by the package labeling. Some dry dog foods are designed to have water added in order to create a gravy-like substance.

Dogs vary in their need for nutrition based upon age and size. Dry food has been formulated for puppies, adult dogs, and dogs in their senior years. Additionally, dry food is available for dogs with special needs based upon their health. Typically, this type of formulated dog food can only be purchased at the veterinarian office.

Dry food targeted for puppies usually includes a higher caloric count per serving than adult formulas to accommodate the growth needs of puppies. Dry food intended for senior dogs usually has the lowest caloric value of all brands since older dogs are less physically active and require fewer calories for their daily needs.

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Special formulas of dry dog food typically include special additives and ingredients. These formulas are designed to provide nutrients and ingredients that alleviate certain types of medical conditions. For example, dogs with kidney ailments need less protein in their diet. Therefore, dry food intended for a dog with kidney problems includes less protein in it.

Semi-moist Dog Food

Semi-moist dog food varieties are commonly sealed in a stay-fresh pouch that is easily opened. It is softer than dry dog food without the high water content of moist dog food. The nutritional value of semi-moist dog food has increased over the years. Originally, it had been intended as a supplement for dry or wet dog food diets.

Semi-moist dog food is easy to take on the go and does not create any mess for pet owners to clean up. It is perfect to take along on day trips or weekend adventures.

Moist Dog Food

Today’s manufacturers have created moist dog food that tempts even humans with its aromatic scent. Moist dog food is sold in cans in a variety of sizes and flavors. Buying this type of dog food is as simple as finding one that your dog likes. Not only does moist dog food make it easy to serve your pet his dinner, but it provides balanced nutrition also.

It is essential to provide the proper diet for your pet if you want to keep him healthy and happy. Dogs with special conditions such as having medical problems or being overweight need a special diet. Puppies and older dogs also require a diet that includes the number of calories that they need to maintain their energy level. Choose your dog food wisely for the healthiest, happiest pet.

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Homemade Dog Food

Many pet owners have discovered the joy of making homemade dog food for their puppies and dogs. Recipes are readily available online. Homemade dog food can be used to supplement other types of dog food or it can be included as the primary source of nutrition for your dog.