When you are pregnant you want what is best for the baby, and what will make you most comfortable and happy during those 9 important months. Product companies prey on this mentality and convince many pregnant women to buy pregnancy products that are simply not needed. Once the baby arrives, you will need all the extra money you can get. So, save money now by avoiding these common pregnancy purchase mistakes. Read and discover what not to buy during pregnancy.

What not to buy during pregnancy item #1: Preggie Pops or Special Morning Sickness Candy. If morning sickness strikes you during your pregnancy you will try just about anything to put it to a halt. Companies wish to capitalize on this desire by selling any product that might make a woman feel better in the early, nauseating months of pregnancy. Preggie Pops and other morning sickness reducing candies sell for big bucks, but in reality they are just candy. Any sweet and sour candy (think lemon drops) will do just as good a job, if it even helps at all. So what not to buy during pregnancy? Skip the commercial nausea reducing candies and just try simple lemon drops or ginger candy which has well-known nausea-reducing effects.

What not to buy during pregnancy item #2: Nursing Bras. As your breasts change and grow during pregnancy you will more than likely have to invest in some new, larger bras. Logically, you may think you should go ahead and purchase nursing bras so you don’t waste your money on “in-between” bras while you’re pregnant. The reality is, however, that your breasts will change once again when your milk comes in after delivery. You may think your breasts are large now, but they will get much larger after the baby is born! It is hard to predict just what size of nursing bras you will need for after the baby is born so instead of purchasing nursing bras while pregnant, just get some inexpensive bras to get you through the awkward in-between size stage.

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What not to buy during pregnancy item #3: Nutrition Bars and Drinks. Sometimes when a woman is extremely nauseous during early pregnancy, and unable to keep much down, nutritional drinks are a lifesaver just to get some nutrients into the system. Special nutrition bars or drinks just for pregnancy, however, are an unnecessary purchase. Rather than paying entirely too much for pregnancy nutritional drinks or bars just choose regular nutritional drinks to help you get the calories and energy you need during those difficult first few months. If you are taking your prenatal vitamin it will provide you with the essentials, but you still need calories for energy.

What not to buy during pregnancy item #4: Stretch Mark Creams and Oils. Creams and oils can be helpful in preventing and softening stretch marks, but again there is no need to spend extra money to buy special “pregnancy” creams and oils. Pure vitamin E oil and cocoa butter are both very effective at preventing and/or softening existing stretch marks, for a very cheap price. Don’t waste you money during pregnancy on expensive pregnancy creams or oils for stretch marks, but rather stick to simple, inexpensive vitamin E oil and cocoa butter.

What not to buy during pregnancy item #5: DHA Vitamin Supplements. Before you go out and buy a brain boosting DHA supplement to add to your prescription prenatal vitamin, ask your doctor. Many modern prescription prenatal vitamins already contain DHA. You wouldn’t want to get too much of a good thing so make sure you save your money and talk to you doctor about a prenatal with DHA instead of spending extra money on an additional over-the-counter supplement.

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Pregnancy is an exciting and worrisome time. This worry and need to do what is best for the baby can lead to unnecessary purchases. Follow this guide to make sure you save the money you can while still having a healthy, happy pregnancy.