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Healthy Cooking and Baking with Dried Fruit

Healthy Cooking, Quick Breads, Sugaring

If you want to make your food preparation a little more nutritious, try adding dried fruit into your recipes. Not only are they good for your body but they also can boost the texture and moisture levels of breads and other baked goods. There are many kinds to choose from, my favorite ones are organics, without preservatives. The natural flavors of these ingredients can really give recipes an added kick, some are more potent than others, so experiment with caution until you see what flavor balance is right for your tastes. Here are some great tasting fruit varieties to add to your pantry.


Great with oatmeal, in cinnamon rolls, muffins and just about anything else; raisins are a simple and healthy addition that most everyone loves. Before adding to a recipe, plump them by microwaving them in some water or other liquid for a minute or two. I like to plump them then a little Grand Marnier (orange liqueur) before adding them to muffins or breads, for a little extra flavor.

Dried apricots

Minced, these are wonderful in quick breads. If the dried apricots are a little on the hard side, again, warm them in a little water or other liquid to soften before chopping. There are many varieties of dried apricots available, so look for those that are soft and fresh. My favorites are Turkish apricots, which are heaven when dipped in dark chocolate.

Candied ginger

Full of healthful properties, ginger is a potent flavor that is best used in smaller amounts. Actually a root, candied ginger is a great snack, as it’s sweet and has fiber to make you feel satisfied. It goes well with a variety of foods, from meat to breads and cakes. I mince up a quarter-sized chunk of it to add into gingerbread, for a really fresh boost to the other spices. Experiment with ginger in your international recipes. It goes really well in egg rolls and other eastern foods, for example.

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Dried cherries

When fresh cherries aren’t in season, use dried ones in your recipes, instead. They are wonderful minced and put into scones or yeast breads, for example. Try combining them with dried apricots and nuts in a lovely quick bread.

Dried plums or prunes

Whatever you call them, they add a bunch of flavor and moisture to recipes. Packed with fiber, dried plums are very healthful. Prune butter is lovely spread on toast or biscuits. It’s more of a puree or jam, and is addictive. Use prune filling for Danish pastry or coffee cakes. As a child, I used to stop at a Jewish bakery and get Hamantashen, a delicious three-cornered pastry, filled with prunes or apricots during certain times of the year. They were to die for.

There are many other types of dried fruit available at local stores and health food shops. Go ahead and try some today, and throw in some nuts too, for a little extra texture. It’s fun to find a good flavor combination to add into your repertoire of frequently used recipes. When I find a combo that appeals to me, I write it below the recipe, so it won’t be forgotten later. The addition of healthful and flavorful fruit eliminates the need for over-sugaring recipes. Happy and healthy holiday baking and cooking!