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7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Vision

Your eyes are something that you would want to protect more then anything. Your eyes are probably something you take for granite. I will have to say however, that I don’t. I have a younger sister in law who has lost her eye site in a car accident a few years ago. She has taught me how to appreciate my site. I will never know where she is coming from with the daily frustrations, I will however know I should treasure every moment I have with my eyes. There are some easy ways that you can maintain and improve your vision. No this does not mean a blind person can do these and expect miracles.


You should wear these every time you walk outside. Ever notice how you squint your eyes when you walk outside. Don’t you ever think that you could be hurting your eyesight. You should even wear the glasses when its not sunny out so you can protect you eyes from the effects of wind.

Sweet Potatoes

East Sweet Potatoes as much as you possibility can. Sweet potatoes are loaded with Vitamin A. Your eyes need this vitamin. This will help improve your night vision. I don’t know about you, but I would love to improve my night vision.

Red Onions

You should cook your red onions instead of yellow onions. Red onions contain more quercetin. That’s an antioxidant that is thought to protect against cancer.


When talking about fruit, blueberries contain the highest amount of antioxidants. Blueberries were proven in studies to help prevent age related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of blindness in older people.

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Air Conditioner

You should not have the air conditioner in your home or in your car aimed at your eyes. I don’t think most people do this, but just in case you do, stop. Dry air will suck out all your moisture in your eyes and not only will it be uncomfortable but it can lead to corneal abrasions. If corneal abrasions are left untreated it can cause blindness.

Cut Out Salt

You should try and delete salt from your diet, if you are like me then you love salt. Try added a different spice half the time rather then salt. High salt diets will increase certain kinds of cataracts. They make a a lite salt that you could switch to also. If you trying at least then that’s a great start.


Women who wear makeup should know that they must replace all makeup every three months. This is very important with eyeliner and mascara. I know the cost of makeup is pricey but tell me whats worth more. Makeup or you site. Makeup is a great place for bacteria to hide which can be transferred to your eyes and causing eye infections.