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5 Simple, High Impact Make-up Tricks

Beauty Tools

Even if you’re not one to spend hours primping (or half your salary at the cosmetics counter), there are a few quick little things you can do that will really help bring out your natural beauty. The secret is knowing what to focus on to get that classic, fresh-faced look. Get these five things right and you’ll be surprised how much better you look.

Get your foundation shade right
It sounds obvious, but a lot of women underestimate just how important it is. Even if you don’t have that make-up/skin borderline along your jaw, the wrong foundation can make you look washed out, flushed or years older. For instance, if you have olive skin, a lot of the drug store brands are going to look bad on you because they’re red-based. A yellow-based line like Sacha or Bobbie Brown will suit you better. Your foundation sets the tone for your whole make-up job, so even if you have a good eye for color it’s worth asking a professional for advice.

Shape your eyebrows
Okay, this one’s not technically make-up, but brow shape and definition have a dramatic effect on your appearace. Over-grown or stragly brows can ruin the look of even the most carefully-applied make-up. The easiest way to get a flattering shape is to enchance the shape you already have whether it’s round, angled or straight. You can then use eyebrow templates to get just the shape you want. If you have thick brows, trim before you pluck, so you don’t up over-thinning. If your brows are sparse, fill them in with light, fine strokes of a brow pencil.

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Enhance your eyelashes
One of the most effective beauty tools a woman can own is an eyelash curler. Curling the lashes really opens up the eyes, making your eyes look more awake and youthful. Curlers do look a little viscious, but they’re very simple and quick to use. Even if you’re the type you can’t put on eyeliner, you can use this tool.

After curling your lashes, cafefully apply mascara. Use horizontal strokes for thickening and vertical for lengthening. Beware of clumping; it’s better to apply several coats one coat at a time than to than to try to pile it all on at once.

If you really want striking eyes, get some false eyelashes in either singles or flares and apply them to the outer edges of your eyelids. These work fine for daytime because they don’t look fake the way eyelash strips do.

Choose a flattering lip color
Picking the wrong lip color is a quick and easy way to end up looking like a clown. You’ll get the most flattering look when you intensify the natural color of your lips instead of trying to completely change your lip color. For this reason, darker wine shades look better on dark-skinned women and pinks and peaches suit blondes. Lip liner isn’t essential, but if you do use it remember to apply it after your lipstick. That way you won’t end up with that dark line around your mouth when your lipstick has worn off.

Contour and hightlight
It takes a little practice to get right, but the correct use of contour and highlight shades can help just about any women get a “model-like” face. Contour is a darker shade that makes features recede, whereas highlight is a lighter shade that brings out features. They work together to make the face look more symetrical. If you don’t want to go all out and use three shades of make-up every day, just a little contour can help a lot. For instance, if you have a long face, sharp jaw line, or other feature of your bone structure that you’d like to soften, contouring is the way to do it. Ordinary bronzer can work as a contour, but don’t use blush or you’ll end up putting rosiness in places where it wasn’t meant to be.

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Investing a little up-front time in learning how to enhance your looks the most with the least effort will not only help you look better and boost your confidence, it will cut your morning prep time and save you money on cosmetics. You’ll look like you’re spending more time when you’re actually spending less.
