Articles for tag: Beauty Tools, Makeup Brushes, Mixing Colors

Karla News

Makeup Brush Care and Cleaning TIps

The right set of professional-grade makeup brushes can be a very smart investment in your cosmetic future. If you do splurge on a worthy set, however, you don’t want to fall into the trap that wastes these valuable assets. I’m talking, of course, about properly caring for your brushes. Doing so can not only help ...

Karla News

My Art Collection of Nail Designs for Teenage Girls

It all began a few months ago when I was wandering through the cosmetic department in K-Mart. Within minutes, I came across something that caught my eye in the nail aisle. There was a wide selection of various nail art pens, the same type that my sisters-in-law had introduced to me just a few weeks ...

Karla News

Top 15 Beauty Uses for Q-tip Cotton Swabs

Q-tips cotton swabs are a highly versatile and nifty beauty tool. They can be used wet or dry. They have two ends, making it easier to blend various colors of eyeshadow. They are fairly cheap and come in a variety of pack sizes to fit the needs of any user. Q-tips are an all-around must-have ...

Karla News

5 Simple, High Impact Make-up Tricks

Even if you’re not one to spend hours primping (or half your salary at the cosmetics counter), there are a few quick little things you can do that will really help bring out your natural beauty. The secret is knowing what to focus on to get that classic, fresh-faced look. Get these five things right ...