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5 Helpful Hints to Get Pregnant Quickly

Over Exercising, Sperm Count, Trying to Get Pregnant

You and your partner have made the decision to have a baby. So how do you go from happy couple to parents-to-be quickly? Here are 5 helpful hints to get pregnant quickly.

Talk to the doc- During your pregnancy your Obgyn is your best friend- you will be seeing a lot of this person. Make an appointment to talk to your doctor before you start trying to conceive. They can get you started on a prenatal vitamin, and make sure you are in the best health possible before you get pregnant. Plus they’ll be happy to answer questions you may have about pregnancy and childbirth.

Lots of sex… But not too much- Obviously the most important part of getting pregnant is having unprotected sex to ensure the sperm is ready and waiting to fertilize the egg when you ovulate. But don’t get carried away. Frequent ejaculation can lower sperm count in men (and high sperm count is your friend when it comes to fertilizing an egg). Sperm generally live for about 72 hours. So having sex every 2-3 days helps ensure there is a healthy active supply waiting to fertilize the egg when you ovulate. (This is definitely one of the most fun helpful hints to get pregnant!)

Say bye bye bad stuff- This can be one of the tougher helpful hints to get pregnant quickly, but it’s also one of the most important. Try to cut down (or cut out) the substances that decrease your fertility. Stop using tobacco/nicotine products, they reduce your fertility and are harmful to your soon to be baby. Same goes for any recreational drugs (just say no!). Alcohol and caffeine can also lower your fertility. Try to cut down on both these substances, although small amounts are still fine.

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Don’t overdo it- Moderation is key to helping you get pregnant. Being both underweight and overweight can contribute to decreased fertility. In addition over exercising can keep you from ovulating and menstruating. Try to stick to a gentle exercise regime- for example take a 30 minute walk daily. Eating healthy is important too- stick with lean meats, whole grains and fruits and veggies. Try to minimize fatty foods and sweets.

Down with stress- Stress can be an inhibitor to getting pregnant. This can be a major catch 22 when trying to get pregnant. The longer it takes, the more stressed you become. The more stressed you become, the longer it takes. So make a conscious effort to take the stress out of your life and your partner’s. Whether it’s a bubble bath, meditating, going for a walk, weeding your garden, or enjoying a good book, be certain to employ your favorite de-stressing technique regularly!

Employ these 5 helpful hints to get pregnant quickly and you will be giving yourself a jump start to conception!
