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5 Healthy Alternatives to Coffee

Health Benefits of Coffee, Yerba Mate

It is a known fact that Americans like their coffee. In fact, Americans drink about 400 million cups of coffee a day which makes the U.S. the world’s largest coffee consumer. Sure, coffee enhances alertness and mental and phsyical performance, but in the long run coffee can actually pose some big health threats.

Coffee inhibits the absorption of essential nutrients like zinc, magnesium, and iron. The beverage also jolts the body’s nervous system which could cause stress levels that damage the resilience of the body’s immune system. In addition, many people should stay away from coffee because it sets off medical conditions. So whether you are suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), hypertension, or just plain want to get healthy you should definitely start investing in some well known alternatives to coffee.

1. Organic Black Tea: Black Tea is made from the dry leaves of the Camellia synthesis plant. The leaves are then oxidized and heavily fermented giving the herbal alternative a strong flavor. Black tea is a good alternative to coffee because it has approximately 50 mg of caffeine per 8 ounce cup, as opposed to coffee that could have anywhere from 100-190 mg.

2. Organic Green Tea: Organic Green Tea holds a special place among beverages because it is known as a herbal remedy for many conditions. Furthermore, organic green tea is exploding with antioxidants which make it the perfect home remedy for many ailments. Green tea comes from the same plant as black tea, however is is processed differently. It has several constituents including caffeine and amino acids which help with many medical conditions. Organic green tea has made its name as a well known herbal remedy for Diabetes, high cholesterol, weight loss, and in some cases cancer. Other benefits that make organic green tea a wonderful alternative to coffee include anti-aging and stimulation.

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3. Yerba Mate: A college room mate of mine introduced me to Yerba Mate after a long night of endless studying. I can attest to the fact that Yerba Mate is a fantastic alternative to coffee as it is an efficient herbal remedy for tiredness. The stimulant in Yerba Mate is called Xanthines and while it is similar to caffeine it has much fewer damaging effects. However I am going to be completely honest, it tastes like grass so it may take some getting used to.

4. Ginseng Tea: Ginseng Tea can easily be dubbed the miracle worker of herbal remedies. Considered to be one of the most nutritious herbal supplements, ginseng tea can help with menstrual problems, low blood pressure, weight loss, and sexual problems. It is even said to help reduce the risk of cancer. Furthermore, ginseng tea provides enough brain stimulation to keep you energized all day long.

5. Chocolate powder: Unlike the aforementioned alternatives to coffee, chocolate powder does not taste like a plant. With that being said, it makes the perfect coffee alternative for full blown caffeine addicts. If left unsweetened, chocolate powder tastes like coffee, provides stimulation, and has less side effects than a regular cup of coffee.

So there you have it, 5 alternatives to coffee that give you the same stimulation without harsh side effects. From herbal remedies to chocolatey powder, these alternatives are a sure fire way to stay energetic, healthy, and happy.

The Healthy Apple
Organic Facts
The Diet Channel