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40 Good Deeds Children Can Do During Lent

Teach your child that Lent isn’t just about giving up things, but it is also about finding new things to do to make the season more meaningful. Doing good deeds, or sacrificing their time to help others, is one of the most meaningful things they can do. To get your kids started, they can use this list of good deeds to help practice showing love to others in practical, kid friendly ways.

1. Put too small clothing in a bag to give to charity.

2. Help a neighbor by pulling the weeds in their front yard,

3. Purchase a canned or dry good to give to a local food bank.

4. Give a dollar at church when the collection plate is passed,

5. Donate toys to a local homeless shelter.

6. Call grandma or grandpa to say hello.

7. Pick up litter at the local playground,

8. Stay after school or during recess to help your teacher.

9. Help fold laundry at home.

10. Write a thank you letter to a service man or woman who is overseas.

11. Bring your parents a glass of lemonade when they are working outside.

12. Do all the dishes after dinner.

13. Clean your room without being asked.

14. Write a thank you note to someone who has done something nice for you lately

15. Spend extra time playing with your pet

16 Make cookies and give a few to people who help you every day: crossing guards, librarians, mail carriers, etc…

17. Spend time playing with a younger child.

18. Ask an elderly neighbor if you can help them today.

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19. Make thank you cards for someone who has helped you recently.

20. Take out the trash without being asked.

21. Help younger siblings clean up their toys.

22. Say a prayer for someone who is sick.

23. Give everyone in your family a hug.

24. Make a card for someone in a nursing home.

25. Make a card for someone in a hospital.

26. Set the table for dinner.

27. Deliver a small package of homemade cookies or candy to the neighbors.

28. Help rake leaves after a windy day.

29. Help plant a garden.

30. Donate a weeks allowance to charity.

31. Be nice to a student at school who needs a friend.

32. Give compliments to people.

33. Hold doors open for people.

34. Help an elderly or handicapped person at the grocery store.

35. Read to younger children.

36. Play with a student who seems lonely at recess.

37. Sweep the neighbors front steps and walkways.

38. Say a prayer for someone who is sad or lonely.

39. Help mom and dad with their chores.

40. Buy school supplies to donate to children at a homeless shelter.

As parents you can find ways to reward your child’s good deeds. Surprise them by taking them to the movies or a new playground. You can also put a little money in a jar for every good deed they do and then let your child choose what charity to donate the money to at the end of the Lent season.