Karla News

Review: Walgreen’s Homeopathic Zinc Lozenges

This past Saturday, I woke up with a sore throat. It was bothering me to the point I felt I needed something so I ended up driving up the street to Walgreen’s in search of something. At the time, it felt like I had a cold starting and, I have found zinc therapy drugs like ...

Karla News

Helpful Advice for Newly Pregnant Women

Just finding out about your new role as a mother can be quite the experience. With so many wild thoughts running through your head, you’re probably far from feeling lazy, tired or bored. Questions like who you should tell first and when you should tell them aren’t going to help in keeping you from going ...

Karla News

Visit Korbel Champagne Cellars, Guerneville, California

Korbel Champagne Cellars 13250 River Road Guerneville, California 95446 707-824-7000 Located in Sonoma County’s gloriously beautiful Russian River Valley, the Korbel Champagne Cellars is a must-see stop in northern California wine country. The Korbel vineyards are nestled among the fragrant redwood trees lining the Russian River. Complimentary extensive champagne cellar tours are given continuously. Unlike ...

Karla News

Natural Tips to Help Dog Constipation

During the house breaking period of your pets life, constipation is probably not very high on your priority list. It probably seems as though they never stop pooping somewhere. Dogs will get constipated. If your dog has not had a bowel movement in two days, they are constipated. There are several reason that a dog ...

Symptoms and Treatment of Kennel Cough in Dogs

Kennel cough (infectious tracheobronchitis) in canines is a highly contagious respiratory infection similar to a cold in humans. It can be caused by a variety of viruses or bacteria, but the most common culprits are Adenovirus, Parainfluenza virus, Canine Distemper Virus and the Bordetella bronchiseptica bacterium. Like the human cold kennel cough symptoms can range ...

Karla News

How to Tear Down a Plaster Wall

In the past, all walls were built with plaster, rather than drywall. In 1916, Sheetrock was invented, but it didn’t catch on until 1952. It became popular then because of World War 2, when many materials were needed for the war effort. People had previously viewed it as a product that would produce shoddy buildings ...

Karla News

Beautiful Wedding Venues in Flagstaff, Arizona

You’re about to start life as a couple and one of the most important events in your life now is planning your wedding day. The wedding site you select for your nuptials is a crucial decision. It will set the tone for your entire wedding. Fortunately, you have lots of choices – a winery, a ...

Erickson’s Stages of Development

There are many ways one can describe the stages we go through during our lives. Psychologist Erik Erickson managed to succinctly describe the stages we go through, from birth to over age 65. His stages of development can be helpful when trying to understand what a person of a certain age may be going through ...

Karla News

How to Make a Fresh Baked Apple Pie from Scratch

The smell of a baking apple pie wafting through your house awakens your senses and your family’s attention to you. Your family will have to come wondering through the house to see how soon the apple pie you are baking will be done. You do not have to spend hours slaving to make and bake ...

Karla News

Exotic but Easy to Find Pets

If dogs and cats just aren’t good enough for you, don’t despair. There’s a ton of different exotic pets out there you can own and make your friends envious with. Let’s look at three really cool and easy to find exotic pets you can get. Sugar Gliders Imagine someone took the cutest features of a ...