Karla News

Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, MD

Sometime in the 90’s (released in ’98) Spencer Johnson, an M.D., penned a story about two mice and two ‘Littlepeople’, which serves as a metaphor for dealing with change in work and in life. The following is my analysis and understanding of what the author intended the reader gain from the story. The Setting Four ...

Karla News

Sophocles:The Tragedy and Triumph of Oedipus the King

Sophocles’ tragedy “Oedipus the King” is considered by most to be the greatest tragedy ever written. Even in his own time, Sophocles won the Dionysia Festival over twenty times, a feat that shows just how well expected he was. In order to follow the play, it’s helpful to know the back story. King Laius, ruler ...

Karla News

Best Mardi Gras Books for Kids

How do you best explain Mardi Gras to kids who have never experienced the fun and excitement of the season? Through books, of course. Children in New Orleans grow up knowing what Mardi Gras is all about. For everyone else the costumes, parades, king cake, and beads may not make much sense. If you’d like ...

Karla News

Things that Might Slow Down Your Computer

There are several factors that can slow down your computer as you use it more and more. These are things that accumulate over time and that should be dealt with regularly. 1. Fragmented Hard Drive As you install and delete applications on your computer they are written to areas of your hard drive. When installing ...

Karla News

5 Reasons Homeowners Need to Get a New Roof

If you are a homeowner of any sort, you know that home maintenance is crucial. Just like changing your oil is important for you to protect your car, routine maintenance will protect your home. Most Homeowners are probably abreast of heat, water, and electricity consumption. Most people pay attention to the little things they see ...

Karla News

Puffy Eyes: Some Do’s and Don’ts

People often talk about puffy eyes and bags under the eyes as if they were the same thing. But the two conditions are actually quite different. Bags under the eyes are caused by fat that has accumulated in the under-eye area over time. Once you have bags under your eyes, there’s not much short of ...

Karla News

A Kratom User’s Guide to Buying Online

It amounts to this: there are no real rules about how ethnobotanical companies throw around the word “extract”. Companies that shall remain unnamed make it sound as if there is a scientific process involved in making Kratom “extract”, and put terms like 15x and 10x (I’ll explain the difference later) in front to make it ...

Karla News

DIY: Five Outdoor Gates You Can Build

Instead of hiring a contractor to design and build a garden or gate for your yard, or lamenting the lack of choices (or prices) of kits at your local DIY store, do it yourself. Here are five designs you can build in a weekend. If you don’t have woodworking skills, perhaps you have a friend ...