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1960s Style Theme Party

60s, Goody Bag, Lava Lamp, Record Albums

Did you love the 1960’s? Have a 60s’ themed party! This one has great potential. One of the more colorful decades, the 60s presents a wild, fascinating palette of possibilities for an uber party. Read on to get some great ideas for your 60s bash.

Decoration ideas are endless–cut out rounds of black construction paper, glue on white circles in the middle, cut a small circle out of the middle of the white circle, and voila, you have record albums! Write the names of your favorite 60s songs and music artists on them, affix string or fishing line, and string them all over the place. Or hang pictures of your 60s rock stars, favorite actors, and TV show memorabilia.

Dig that lava lamp out of the back of the closet and plug it in. If you can obtain colored light bulbs, use them to bring a “colorful” glow to the evening. Better yet, find a mirror ball. String it up to the ceiling—disco! If you want to really get into the theme, buy some cheap strings of beads and tack them up in the hallway or doorway between the kitchen and living room. Your guests will love slipping through them and hearing them click and clack together.

Set the mood by playing 60s music in the background or DVDs of your favorite 60s television shows. Play board games popular in the 60s, like Monopoly or Clue. Better yet, use your 60s music to play, “Name that Tune or Musical Artist.”

Instead of a goody bag for your party guests, have a compact disc of 60s hits for each attendee with their place cards at the table. Reviewing the hits on their CDs will trigger old memories about what they were doing in the 60s.

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Prepare and serve your favorite 60s meal. Bet you could get some of your mom’s recipes from that era. For example, whip up her old meatloaf recipe with mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and sliced tomatoes, and chocolate cake. Serve root beer floats for an extra treat.

Of course, you must dress up like the 60s, too. Go for the “hippie” look-wear a mini dress made in a colorful paisley pattern. Don a wig of long straight hair. Find an old, ridiculously long necklace like we used to wear back then. Better yet, make one out of kids’ pop beads. Add some big, funky earrings. Go heavy on the eye make-up, like Twiggy. Chunky, clunky-looking sandals will complete your “flower child” look.

Have your counterpart wear bellbottom trousers and a brightly colored print shirt or a tie-dyed t-shirt. Find a peace sign trinket to hang around his neck. A messy, long-haired floppy wig tops off this look.

If you are a person that loves to throw themed parties, you have got to try this one. Your guests will have a great time. It’s easy to get into the party spirit when those old 60s tunes are playing in the background. As they would say in the 60s–groovy.