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10 Great Nicknames for Babies

Bugaboo, Nicknames

Are you wondering what nicknames for babies are common? Are you trying to decide what nickname you would like you use for your baby? Here are ten great nicknames for babies that many families use. These sweet nicknames express how much you love that little bundle of joy in your life. Having nicknames for babies can be very special!

As you think about nicknames for babies, take these top 10 choices under consideration:

Angel – As nicknames for babies go, this is probably one of the sweetest. Babies are a gift from heaven and nicknaming your baby Angel is perfect. And when they are sleeping, babies do look like tiny blessed angels.

Babycakes – This is one of the nice, adorable nicknames for babies that might be just right for your new baby. Combining baby with something as sweet and delicious as cake, makes this a warm, cozy nickname.

Baby Girl or Baby Boy – This nickname obviously acknowledges if you have a girl or a boy and it is a nice, loving choice for nicknames for babies. You might also like the alternative of Sweet-Girl or Sweet-Boy. If you choose any of these, you will love them.

Bitsy or Bitty – This is one of the nicknames for babies that emphasizes how tiny your baby is. The nickname is a shortened version of Itsy-bitsy or Itty-bitty, both of which mean very small! This is a nice, tender choice of a nickname for your new little one.

Bubba or Bubbie – These are both endearing choices for your baby. As you hold your baby in your arms and nicknames for babies swirl through your head, you just might settle on Bubba. This nickname is full of love.

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Bugaboo – This little nickname is one of the nicknames for babies that you will fall in love with. It is so tender and charming plus it sounds adorable. If you choose this nickname, you might also find yourself shortening it to either Buggie or Boo, both of which are cute nicknames, too.

Peanut – This is one of the cutest nicknames for babies. Babies are so tiny and seem just like a little peanut. Why not choose Peanut as nickname for your new arrival? You will love it.

Punky – This is one of the nicknames for babies that sounds both affectionate and playful at the same time. It is a funny sounding nickname but you might fall in love with it and then it will definitely feel special to you.

Sugar – This is an adorable, cozy, warm-feeling choice for nicknames for babies. To personalize it even more, you could add to it and make the nickname Sugar Pie. There’s no arguing that’s a sweet little nickname for your precious baby.

Sweetpea – When you think of nicknames for babies, this one is undeniably soft and sweet. This delightful little nickname might be just the right one for the new addition to your family.

These are ten great choices of nicknames for babies, suitable for either a baby boy or baby girl. Hopefully these give you some great ideas for a nickname for your new arrival. If none of these selections suit you and your family, let your imagination run wild and see what other nicknames for babies you can create so your baby has the perfect nickname!