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Yu-Gi-Oh’s Newest Structure Deck: Machine Re-Volt

Magic Cards

In the last episodes of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime Yugi Moto faced off against his greatest foe, himself! Throughout the show Yugi was part of a duel personality known as “The Pharaoh” and later his name was reveled to be Atem. In the last duel of the series Atem is separated from Yugi and they face off in a duel. Atem gets to use many of the most famed Yu-Gi-Oh staple cards like Monster Reborn, and the Egyptian God cards, and little Yugi must compile his own deck. In this deck he uses a set of monsters known as the Gadgets, and ultimately defeats his greatest foe.

All that is fine and dandy but as we all know things in the real world are not always like they are in the television series. So when the Gadgets were released recently people were skeptical about how they would perform in the modern tournament environment. The Gadgets as well as the rest of the machines released in the news structure deck, Machine Re-Volt do not disappoint!

Machine Re-Volt is Upperdecks most recent structure deck release, and it’s full of awesome monsters and magic cards that are needed for any good competitive machine style deck. Also it is the only place where you can obtain a copy of each of the Gadget monsters used by Yugi, as well as 12 all new never before released cards including monsters that have ties to the Gadgets. This structure deck my be the most powerful release to date.

The Gadgets are really good cards themselves. Green Gadget, Yellow Gadget and Red Gadget all come into play to search and search for another Gadget of a different color. Also new trap cards like Stronghold of the Moving Fortress revolve around providing defense and great effects for having the Gadgets in play. Stronghold the Moving Fortress is a trap that becomes a creature with 2000 defense and if the Gadgets are in play, he gains +3000 attack. Pretty nice huh?

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Also there are two brand new monsters that revolve around the Gadgets, like Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera and Ancient Gear Gadiltron Dragon. Each have strong effects and gain even more power if they are summoned by tributing and Gadget monster. They receive effects like, gaining attack points, inflicting direct damage, and causing breakthrough damage to defense mode creatures. These cards are amazing, but there is more to this structure deck then just Gadgets and their counterparts.

Ancient Gear monsters make an appearance as well, along with an array of magic cards that can up their potential. Ancient Gear Golem is played here, and his breakthrough damage effect, 3000 attack and staling abilities with your opponent’s magic and trap cards make him a formidable foe. Gear Golem the moving Fortress has a whopping 2200 defense for delaying attacks and Ancient Gear Beast puts a stop to any of those nasty effect monsters he destroys.

With all these high level monsters you may have a problem summoning them, or keeping your monsters on the field. Well this structure decks supplies an assortment of tricky magic cards to help you out. Ancient Gear Fist will equip to any Ancient Gear monster, and destroy any monster that battles you. Ancient Gear Workshop will return any Ancient Gear monster from the graveyard to your hand. And Ancient Gear Castle will allow you to summon high level ancient gear creatures without sacrificing anything on your side of the field.

Other good support of the deck include Ancient Gear Drill, Rare Metalmorph, and Limiter Removal. Ancient Gear Drill will allow you to find magic cards from within your deck and use them on your next turn, very nice giving you some searching and draw power. Rare Metalmorph will up the attack of any machine by 500 and has the bonus effect of keeping your machine alive when targeted by a spell card. Limiter removal is the most powerful machine based card in the game, and since this deck is all about the mechanical marvels Limiter fits right in. For one turn this card doubles, that’s right doubles the attack of all your machine type monsters you control. The downside is after that turn your machines that were effected are sent to the graveyard, but your opponent should be dead by then.

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There are so many combinations, tricks and ways to play this deck it’s amazing. You can combine the basis of this deck with the X Y and Z dragon tanks, cannon, and dragon and their fusions for more options. Machines are powerful, and with this new structure deck they just get even more of a boost. Any duelist in the game at this point, or anyone wanting to pick up and start playing this game, show defiantly grab one of these starter decks. It has a good base, and awesome support cards!