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You Style Infiniti by Conair Review

Conair, Infiniti, Straightening Hair

The You Style multi-function styling iron is part of the Professional Series of Infiniti by Conair . The market appeal of You Style is that you can “get soft waves or straight styles with just one tool”, so naturally I was so interested that I had to go out and buy one.

The first time I saw the You Style was on a TV commercial, As they were demonstrating it, I could not believe how easy it looked to make those beautiful loose waves that you see women on TV with all the time. (Think of Angie on Desperate Housewives.) But, you know, you can’t always trust a TV commercial, I told myself. But, then again: nothing ventured, nothing gained, I told myself. So the adventurous side of me won, and I made my 900th trip to the “As Seen on TV” aisle of CVS.

I was surprised to see that the You Style cost $39.99. I thought that was kind of expensive, but I’m always willing to spend money for beauty (which, of course, is what beauty product manufacturers count on), so I bought it.

The You Style looks a little funny, so I wasn’t sure that I would “get it” right away. It looks like a flat iron with half a curling iron coming out of one side. I liked that it has three heat settings: low, medium, and high, But I loved the fact that it has separate on and off buttons- with the slider ones I sometimes think I’ve turned off the curling iron when I haven’t. I also loved that the light goes from flashing to solid when it’s ready for use, which takes about 30 seconds.

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After looking at the You Style, I was glad that it came with instructions. What you’re supposed to do is put the flat iron part in your hair by the roots, and then twist it 180 degrees, then kind of pull it through and let it go. I gave it a try and, oh my god- hey!- I did it! It came out like a loose wave! Just like on TV! I was absolutely amazed. I did the rest of my hair fairly quickly.

The next day I wasn’t so sure that I really wanted to do the wavy thing. My hair is super frizzy. I mean, some days are frizzier than others, and this day was off the frizz scale. I stood there, disgusted. So I randomly put the You Style in my hair and just pulled it through. Oh…My…God. No frizz.

I could so not believe it that I thought about taking a picture and posting it on my Facebook page. And when I say “pulled it through” I mean in about four seconds- literally. I went from dry and frizzy looking hair to shiny and healthy looking hair, just like that. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself. I finished straightening the rest of my hair in less than two minutes.

If I could say only one thing about the You Style Infiniti by Conair, it would be, “Where have you been all my life?”

On a scale of 1-10, I give the You Style Infiniti by Conair a 10. It absolutely delivers on it’s promise of making soft waves quickly and easily, and does a remarkably fast job of straightening hair. What puts this product over the top, though, is it’s ability to drastically reduce frizz. I can’t recommend this product enough. If you have a problem with frizzy hair, the You Style is a must have.