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YIN & YANG – Principles of Symbol & How it Effects the Human Body

Perspire, Rochelle Moore

This is an abstract from my book KARMA – CHANGE YOUR LIFE in which I look at the Buddhist principles of the symbol of Yin & Yang.

The best quote I found to explain this symbol was by Qi BO when he was explaining this symbol to the Yellow Emperor:

“Yin and Yang are two energies that flow within your body.

When Yin is the stronger energy, you will become cold and perspire with a chilling feeling.
Your body becomes rebellious, your stomach can not digest your food properly, which,
after a period can lead to grave illness, even death.

When Yang is the stronger energy, you will become hot, your pores close and you do not
perspire. You then become feverish, your stomach tightens, you become constipated and,
after a period, this can lead to grave illness,even death.

Only when you harmonize and adjust your body to these two principles of nature, will your
mind, body and spirit, be in true balance.”

abstract from: KARMA – Change your Life by Rochelle Moore




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