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Wigs and Hats to Wear After Hair Loss from Cancer Chemotherapy


I recently lost my hair for the third time because of the chemotherapy I am taking for cancer. Each time I have added to my collection of hats and scarfs.

Hair Loss

The first time I lost my hair after chemotherapy, it came back like a dream. It had curl and body. I washed it, brushed it and it looked great. That lasted about a year. The second time it can back grey. I used a weekly rinse to add color. If you are going to lose your hair, cut it short before you start chemotherpy.

When your hair starts to fall out, it will get everywhere. It gets all over your house and in your food. You even wake up in the middle of the night with it in your mouth. It is nasty. It is much more sanitary to shave your head when it staets to come out rather than letting fall out naturally. Use an electric razor and put after-shave lotion on your head afterwards to prevent rash or go to your favorite hair salon. Some salons give discounts or cut hair for cancer patients free.


Go to a look-good-feel-better workshop at your local cancer center for tips on buying wigs. Make sure you are going to need a wig before you buy one. Not all chemotherapy will cause you to lose your hair.

If you are going to wear a wig only during the time you have hair loss look for an inexpensive synthetic wig. A synthetic wig is cheaper and easier to take care of than one made of real hair.

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Take a friend wig shopping with you and have fun trying on the different wigs. See what you look like as a sexy blonde or a sultry brunette. Try a color that is lighter than your normal hair. Chemotherapy can make you look pale and a lighter shade is more flattering. Try on several colors until you are satisfied with the look.

There are hairpieces made especially to wear under hats. These natural looking hairpieces come in a halo shape so you will have some hair sticking out from under your hat. You can get small hairpieces will adhesive backing to use as bangs or pieces in front of ears under your hat.

Hats and Scarfs:

Have fun with your hats. Pick ones that fit your face and your taste in fashion. Wear hats that fit, do not perch them on top of your head.

Try on each hat in front of a mirror so it matches your face and body type. Buy two cloche style hats to wear on special occasions and to church. Mix styles between berets, newsboy, baseball caps and turban so you do not get bored. Scarfs are soft and pretty to wear but take time to tie.

For variety buy a few basic hats and add decorations and trim. Give your turban extra style with a braided twist. Decorate your hats for the holidays or attach a pretty pin to the rim. Wear a contrasting scarf under the hat.

My favorite hats are the soft pull on, especially when the weather is cold and my head becomes sensitive to the touch. My granddaughter gave me a pink plush pull-on that is soft, comfortable and warm. I wear this around the house. I can answer the door without scaring people with my baldhead.

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Shop for hats and scarfs at a thrift or discount store. Do not tie up a lot of money in something that is only temporary. Check your cancer center for free hats people have donated.
tlc american cancer society
Mayo Clinic
Breast Cancer . org
