Karla News

Why You Shouldn’t Buy a Fake ID Online & Make One Instead

Bouncers, Fake Id

I’m sure at one point in your younger life or maybe recently you tried getting in to a bar or club and maybe at some point you managed, but I bet the night was ruined as you were constantly looking over your shoulder for bouncers, pestering older friends to get the drinks in or getting rejected by the mature women. Well it doesn’t have to be that way anymore because Chad just bought his Fake ID and you’ve just sent the money through the post to claim your Fake ID Template. Now the nights are going to be sweet. Wrong!

I don’t mean to burst your party bubble but buying a Fake ID Online or paying to Download Fake ID Templates doesn’t work, and these are the main reasons why.

1) AFake ID you buy online whether it be from Fluxcard, Photo-Id , Phatism of Next Day ID isn’t actually a fake id. It’s a Novelty ID. It isn’t a copy of a real id that you’d get from college or from a job, it’s a completely made up one.

2) In an extension of point one, because they are novelty cards, bouncers, doorman and barmaids know you’re trying to scam them. They might fool the new trainee guy but you probably won’t make it past the door. These guys weren’t born yesterday. They know what IDs are acceptable so don’t hurt your pride.

3) The internet is available to everyone. That’s right, club owners can browse the net just like you and see exactly what you punk kids are trying to swindle them with. I speak from firsthand experience. The weekend I got my fake id I tried buying a shot of absinthe, the card was taken off me and I was ejected from the establishment. Sometimes they cut them up and sometimes they pass them off to the police so don’t risk it, fraud isn’t a pearly gate opener.

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4) A lot of these websites aren’t legal businesses and thus they don’t look after the customer the way they should. If you absolutely have to buy a fake id online, under no circumstance do you fall for the “cash through the post,” scam. You will have paid but with no record and 3 months later no fake id. Explain that one to Dad. There is also the old trick of posty stealing the money before they get it anyway.

5) Sometimes the best looking fake ids are the worst. European Driving Permit? College of West Jonstersonvillfiled? Drinking License? To begin with you may think these sound like the best but think a little harder, there is no such thing as a European Driving Permit, there is no town called Jonstersonvillfield and a Drinking License is a joke.

6) Hologram Ids and Chipped IDs mean jack. Don’t fork out an extra $20 for a shiny sticker on the front, they just make them look even tackier. A chip may make it look more professional but watch your face drop when they ring it through an ID scanner and it makes the loud beeping sound. The only sound you’ll be hearing are cop sirens.

7) There are other risks than being caught by the cops. Think about it, most sites ask for your name, address and a passport photo. They could use that information to send you junk mail or at worst do some kind of identity theft. This becomes worse if you pay via credit card and give your details via the web.

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8) Free fake id templates or even paid ones are just as bad as buying a ready made one. Do you think a poorly printed piece of paper saying you’re 30 years old is going to work?

The only way you are going to get a glimpse of a bottle of alcohol is by making a fake id yourself. Just remember you may be able to pull off the creation of a decent looking driving license or student card but copying a real id is fraud and can carry a 10 year sentence! In my experience the only way to comfortably have a night out in a club is to be the right age, stop wishing your life away, go to a house party or sleep with the club’s owner. Just don’t get scammed online then get arrested. It becomes a complete waste of time, money and effort.