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Why is My Baby Crying for No Reason?

Baby Teething, Gripe Water

It’s 3 in the morning, and your little one just won’t stop crying. Aside from the obvious of making sure she’s fed and has a clean diaper, there may be other not-so-obvious reasons your little one may be wailing at times like this. And crying jags can strike at anytime, anywhere, for seemingly no reason at all. Here are some ‘hidden’ reasons why she might be crying.

1. Gas
Maybe it sounds silly, but think about any time in the past that you’ve had what feels like a gas bubble or pocket and how painful it can be. Now imagine your baby getting that sensation, and add to that the frustration of not being able to tell you about it. Gas is one of the most common reasons why a baby might seemingly be crying for no reason. You can help work that bubble out by administering gas drops like Mylicon or Gripe Water. You could also try massaging your baby’s tummy or doing the ‘bicycle’ by pumping her legs in circular motions towards her belly, like the motions you use to ride a bike.

2. Constipation
Another reason a sudden crying jag might come on is that your baby could be constipated. As one pediatrician described it to me, the pain can come and go and hit suddenly. Take notice of the last time your baby had a bowel movement…has it been awhile? Also, another sign of constipation for a baby can be small, hard ‘poops’ when she does have a bowel movement. You can try natural remedies like feeding her peaches or prunes. You can also try a suppository, but only after speaking to your baby’s doctor about possible treatments.

See also  Simple Tips on How to Prevent and Remedy Your Infant's Gas and Colic Issues

3. Something in her clothes
A commonly looked-over occurrence that can start a baby crying for no reason is something in her clothes, whether it be an itchy tag, loose seams, or even a rogue nail clipping floating around in her pj’s. Try undressing your little one and look for anything loose that may be aggravating her skin. And take advantage of her being undressed; take off your shirt and hold her close to her skin. The skin to skin contact is sure to calm any baby down.

4. Too much going on
Sometimes there’s a situation that can send your baby into a crying jag and you don’t even know it. Maybe the TV’s too loud, or there are too many visitors in the house at once. Sometimes, even a quick trip to the grocery store can be too much for baby, and the over-stimulation can send her reeling. Try bringing your baby into a quiet room with dimmer lighting and soft music in the background, and just cuddle for a bit to see if they calm down.

5. Temperature issues
One thing that’s frustrating for both baby and parent is that babies can’t exactly tell us what’s bugging them, so it’s no wonder a sudden crying fit can seem so perplexing. Another common cause that isn’t so clear could be the baby feeling too hot or too cold. If your baby has a lot of layers on, try removing one to see if she calms down. If you think she may be too cold, check her extremities and see if her hands or feet are too cold, and wrap her in a blanket to see if she calms down.

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6. Growth spurts and growing pains
Although it’s not too common a reason, growth spurts and growing pains can possibly be the cause of sudden crying. During a growth spurt, (which are most common in the first year of a child’s life), your baby may be craving more food or more sleep, and may even experience some growing pains. Try to consider that your little one may need more food than usual and try an extra feeding, even if she’s usually on a schedule and it’s not time to eat yet. And even if it’s not quite the usual time for a nap, if she’s rubbing her eyes or seems sleepy, maybe you’d be doing her a favor by allowing her the extra sleep time. After all, sometimes it takes a little extra to grow that little Buddha belly!

7. Teething
Ask any parent and they can attest that sometimes teething can really sneak up on you. The thing about teething is that there’s no set time frame to when it might strike, and it also effects each child differently. I have a friend with a son whose first tooth popped through at 4 months with no signs of pain. Yet my daughter didn’t get her first tooth until 9 months with plenty of drooling and crying jags in the weeks just before. You can always try giving your baby teething toys or a dampened dish rag to chew on and see if that helps. Ask your pediatrician about using an over-the-counter pain reliever like Baby Orajel to see if that helps as well.

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Unfortunately, trying to find out why a baby is crying for no reason is a lot of guesswork and trial and error. But keeping a calm attitude and trying to read your baby’s body language can help you to figure out how to soothe your baby. And don’t forget, a good pediatrician is always just a phone call away.

personal experience
pediatricians’ advice